Chapter sixx - Cherry Pie

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Me and Sandra made it to my place before getting inside the house.

Sandra did only giggle about me and Nikki all the time on the ride home.

"What do you want me to do? His girl is cheating on him with my brother, and Tommy is the only one that know that i know." I sighed as i closed the front door after stepping inside.

"You have to tell Nikki, he will be upset with Tommy but that's not your fault." Sandra spoke as she made her way over to the kitchen.

"I don't want Tommy and Nikki to fight." I explained as i got seated at the kitchen table.

"Listen, just tell Nikki that you suspect something." Sandra suggested as she jumped up on the counter to sit there.

"Maybe, but i'll wait to see if Tommy fucks up first, he's good at that." I chuckled.

"He have been giving you hints though." Sandra smirked.

"Who? Tommy?" I asked.

"No! Nikki!" Sandra teased.

"Oh cut it out, he's only being nice." I shook my head.

The front door opened before my brothers loud laugh could be heard.

"Dinner has arrived!" Tommy got into the kitchen with a couple of McDonalds bags.

"What did you order for me?" Sandra asked as she slid down from the counter to sit down at the table.

"Some burger, same as for Cassie." Tommy smiled as he handed us our bag.

Nikki walked in with some bags in his hands too, but he got seated beside me as he sat the bags down on the table.

Tommy walked out from the kitchen to get some stuff from his car into the garage.

Sandra looked at me from across the table with a wide smirk.

"What?" I asked with a slight laugh.

"Oh nothing." She teased as she looked at Nikki.

"I've seen you and your girlfriend all over the media, tell us about her." Sandra smiled at him.

"Sandra don't-." I got cut of.

"Shh! I wanna know." Sandra hissed.

"She's great, but i don't really know if she's the one." Nikki giggled as he slid his sunglasses from the bridge of his nose to his forehead.

"Why not?" I asked Nikki.

Nikki shrugged as he gave me a smile.

"I'll go help Tommy with the stuff." Sandra smirked before she walked away.

"Gosh she's so embarrassing." I groaned as i buried my face in my hands.

"She's kinda funny though." Nikki chuckled.

I took a deep breath but it got cut off as i felt a hand on my thigh.

My face burnt as i realized it was Nikki's.

I looked at him and he'd gotten closer to my face.

"Why are you so flustered?" Nikki teased.

"Shut up." I giggled.

Nikki only smirked, as his hand slowly made his may higher up my thigh.

"Nikki, what are you doing?" I whispered.

Nikki's smirk made me weak, and i could hear my heart beating faster for every second.

The tension got hotter as Nikki kissed my right shoulder.

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