fifty four | the name of the doctor

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Joseph told her, "That doesn't matter. What does matter is that your friend Kai is in trouble."

With her eyes now narrowed, Annabelle asked him, "What sort of trouble?"

Joseph said to her, "The kind of trouble that could get him killed, if he lets himself get found by William."

With a shake of her head, Annabelle asked him, "What are you talking about? William knows how much Kai means to me. Why would he want to kill Kai?"

Joseph replied, "Because William wants you all to himself. He was the one behind Dorothy's death, the disappearance of that coven of witches, and now he's going after Kai. He won't rest until Kai is dead. And once Kai's dead, he could finally have you all to himself." When she didn't respond to his words, he told her, "For the past two-hundred and sixty years, he's done nothing but say how much he needs to isolate you from your family and make sure that the only one you can rely on is himself. He told me himself that if Kol was brought back to life that he would see to it that Kol would die all over again– just so that you could only rely on him. He doesn't want you relying on anyone else but him, and he wouldn't care how much it would hurt you, if it meant that you were with him again."

With her free hand clenched into a fist, Annabelle asked him, "Where is William now?"

With a shake of his head, Joseph said to her, "I don't know. All I know is what he told me this morning. He's been searching for Kai ever since he got his neck snapped by him. He's not going to stop until he rips Kai's head off of the rest of his body and then leaves his headless body lying around for you to find. And based on his findings, he believes Kai's on his way back to you to warn you of William's intentions."

After a couple seconds of silence, Annabelle asked him, "Why are you telling me this?"

Joseph told her, "Because during the two-hundred and eighty-five years I've spent alive, I've been told many stories about you, Annabelle Mikaelson. And from what I've seen during the time I'd spent watching you and taking all those pictures of you for the past four years, you're not the same person I was told about. You've grown to become a much better person than you were all those years ago when William knew you. You're better, and I would hate to see you revert to the person you were over three-hundred years ago."

After sighing to herself, she slowly started to back away from him as she said to him, "Thank you for telling me this, Joseph. I swear that I won't forget this act of kindness from you." When he didn't move to leave, she asked him, "Why aren't you headed back to find Kai?"

Joseph replied, "Because he told me that he would always find a way to know if I ever double-crossed him and if I did, then he would make me regret it. But what he doesn't know is that I already regret ever working for him." After sighing to himself, he told her, "After all, he was the one who murdered my best friend and an innocent infant that was a descendant of my best friend when he felt as if I was turning my back on him. I figured that if I turn my back on him now, then what else do I have to lose?"

The most that Annabelle did in response to his words was start to heavily shake from where she stood with her veins on display and her hands tightly clenched into fists at the mere thought of the extent that her former lover was willing to take just to make her isolated from those that she cared about more than anything.

* * *

After making her way down the stairs and seeing the Doctor sit on a part of the TARDIS with Annabelle standing beside him and simply holding onto one of his hands, Clara said to the Doctor, "Well?"

Unrepentant | DOCTOR WHO [ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat