6 chapter

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I have to admit I was wrong about Shawn thinking he was just another dumb dude who thinks he can have anyone if he snaps his fingers, but he's pretty cool. I found out we actually have the same interests and care about the same things which was a complete surprise to me. Sometimes you get to know a person you have an opinion about and then when you get to know them you're pleasantly surprised. I know we shouldn't give first impressions how many times in life you think something about someone and then you find out it's completely different. It's happened to me a couple of times and someone always thought I was a mean bitch just because I don't smile at people, but the truth is I'm just ashamed of my smile because I know it's not perfect, but let's move on to the main thing, he's a singer of course he sings and he can play an instrument but he writes his own lyrics which is totally cool, I write my own songs too but I've never sung them in front of anyone because of course I'm embarrassed, I think it needs some tweaking it's not perfect. I have one song I've already finished called "I Know" ( We know ) like I said six months ago I was dating Austin. It was my first love. The first two months were wonderful, but after that it was downhill from there. The worst part is that I blamed myself for it. I told myself it was my fault, but then I found out he was playing all sides. While he was telling me, baby, he was telling two others. It's actually a song about a guy who had the same pick-up lines for every girl. Do you love Harry Potter, too? I think the best episode is simply "Chamber of Secrets" young Tom is pretty hot is it just me? Or is there anyone else who thinks so? Excuse me for changing the subject so often, but I suffer from bipolar disorder. Yes, I was diagnosed with bipolar last year. I also supposedly suffer from severe depression and have panic attacks at night. I think that explains a lot. I've had a rough six months, but I still have the best friend in the world by my side. She's always been there for me, she's pretty much the only person I have in my life. I don't count family because that's a given. I love my family even though they get on my nerves sometimes, but I don't know what I'd do without them.

Dinah sent you a message

Dinah- So how do you feel about Shawn and Harry? I don't know about you, but I'm on nine cloud. I'm texting Harry right now and he invited me to DATE Chancho!!!

Camila- You were right Shawn isn't what I thought he'd be but that doesn't mean he can't turn out to be a bastard😒.
As for Harry Go Go Go Cheechee!!! ❤️ But if he breaks your heart, I'll break his jaw. AND I'M NOT KIDDING, YOU KNOW ME! 😾😾

Dinah- trust me I know you very well Chancho, don't worry if anything recognizes my true hook🤣🤣🙏

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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