Chapter 3

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Note:I've been in the ER lately, so this Update is to excuse my abscene next week.

" How is she?" Neteyam asked Tsireya who was braiding Lo'ak's hair tightly so that she wouldn't have to do it again for a while.

"She's been busy, I have not seen her since the announcement a few nights ago."She mumbles and she yanks a knot out of Lo'ak's hair causing the man to shriek at the pain. "Son of a bi- TSIREYA!" Lo'ak yells out with tears pricking his eyes, the pain was sudden and caught him off guard but Tsireya and Neteyam laugh.

"Shut up and sit back, I'll be done soon I have about 4 braids left."Tsireya says putting her head on Lo'ak's forehead and she pulls him back continuing to r braid his hair.

"Well- I'll go find y/n.. we have a swimming lesson" Neteyam says walking away and He hears Lo'ak yell out in pain again followed by the sound of him being hit.


"Atan, Take this home with you please, I can't keep it.."y/n says giving her brother the antique music device they listened to when they were younger, it had died after a few days of being here from y/n Listening to it nonstop.

"I will but are you sure you're okay? I'll try to stop the marriage, we all know Atan'eko is a player. "Atan says looking at his youngest sister and he watched as she waved her hand. "It is a duty I must fulfill apparently.." she says With barely any emotion showing and Atan watches as his sister gets up from her seat on the floor of his hut and he sighs. "Maybe you should go talk to Loreyu, She's more versed in these things."

"I'm not going to bother her, I'll just go for a swim to clear my mind." Y/n says to remain calm and not to let out the scream she's been holding in for days. She bids her brother goodbye before walking out of his hut and she bounced on the bouncy walkway material that connected all the huts together. 

"Come here" She clicks her tongue once on the docks and claps her hands gently at an ilu that swims her way, She prepares to get on it until she hears a voice behind her.

"You're just gonna go and ditch our swimming lesson?" Y/n turns her body to see Neteyam behind her with his arms folded across his chest, a playful smirk on his features. "Well, not really...I was just going for a solo swim." Y/n says rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly, she felt bad that she had forgotten Neteyam's swimming lesson considering That for the past 2 months they had been there they had been nothing but welcoming and comforting to her, especially after finding out she was betrothed to someone.

"Come on Forest boy, I've got a special location for today's lesson." y/n says and she jumps onto the ilu that was waiting for her and she beckons Neteyam to follow soon as she swims off.

Neteyam smiled to himself knowing this would be a great way to get Y/n's Head off of her engagement.


"See you need to Flow gently with the water...become one with it."Y/n says calmly with a small smile on her face, Neteyam was doing well so far in their lesson for today but he couldn't relax when it came to swimming.

"It's impossible to float above the water." Neteyam says s his body sinks down once again, y/n could hear the frustration in his voice and she groaned to herself. 'It's okay, I did the same thing...Patience is key' she thought to herself.

Soon enough eclipse had come and the pair were now preparing to go home when Neteyam said he needed to go do something on the small island and he disappears behind some of the vegetation on the island. A few minutes go by and y/n goes to look for neteyam shouting his name here and there, waiting for a reply.

"Neteya-" y/n stops calling for him when she sees his body on the ground unmoving And his face was faced towards the ground, The girl falls to her knees quickly to check On him and she panics flipping him over onto his back.

"Of course, the new guy decides to die on me here-"Y/n says placing her head onto his chest, her ear listening for any sounds of life and she sighs in contempt hearing his heartbeat calmly, But it seemed to beat faster at her actions.

"You faker!" Y/n shouts punching Neteyam lightly and he opens his eyes laughing at her reaction as he lay on the very small patch of grass not minding the sand that was on his back. "Ahaha! It was worth it" he says trying to hide his laughter but failing as he began to laugh even more.

Y/n stares at him before punching his chest lightly and he grabs her hands sitting up close to her body to see her holding back a smile, and before long she also lets out a laugh, one that was not too loud, but a calm one, one that showed she was genuinely having a bit of fun in this quiet atmosphere.

"That's so childish of you." Y/n says and when the laughter dies down the pair stare into each other's eyes, the both of them enjoying each other's company, and Neteyam looks at Y/n's lips leaning in close to her.

Y/n watched as he had gotten closer to her and She does the same, and when their lips were less than an inch away Y/n pulls away looking at Neteyam nervously. "We can't I'm betrothed-"

"It's okay...Let's just keep it a secr-"Neteyam starts but it isn't until y/n kisses him that he shuts up at the sudden action and when y/n separates from the quick kiss she gets up going to the water to possibly swim back to the Metkayina Village.

"Oh eywa.... Help me...I think I'm breaking rules.."

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