When I Cry - K. HR x Reader

Start from the beginning

Y/n chuckled a bit before resting her head on my shoulder.

An hour later and we finally arrived at the snow cabin for the weekend. Almost everyone had gotten off the bus but I didn't wanna wake Y/n up.

She always looks so cute when she sleeps.

I wanted to stare at her just a bit longer.

Suddenly, someone shook Y/n awake.

It was Wonyoung.

"Wake up sleepy head, I wanna go to the jacuzzi with you!" She began to flirt with Y/n.

"Huh? It's okay, I wanna settle in my room first," Y/n groggily responded.

"Suit yourself. Don't be mad if you find me in it with someone else," Wonyoung replied before getting off the bus.

Y/n and I got our assigned rooms from our teachers then headed over to settle a bit.

- Y/N POV -

"Did Haerin tell you what happened?" Yena asked, while I unpacked my bags.

"No, what happened?" I asked.

I knew something was wrong. She was being too quiet.

Wonyoung called her stupid in front of the whole class.

"Okay," I replied a bit skeptical.

I knew that wasn't all of it.

"And?" I asked.

"And...," Yena sighed.

I knew she didn't want to tell me because it was bad. It was bad enough to make Haerin cry.

Yeah, Haerin was an emotional kid but she didn't cry over silly things like being called names.

"And... while we were all getting in line to go the buses... Wonyoung tripped her.... and then sort of told her that if you two ever start dating that she'll make sure Haerin becomes the least of your priorities," Yena finally spilled.

I furrowed my brows in anger.

"Why the hell does everyone seem to think that I like her?!" I yelled in frustration.

"Don't you?" Yena asked.

"Noooo," I answered annoyed.

I grabbed my phone and then headed down to the jacuzzi to confront Wonyoung.

I absolutely hated when people messed with Haerin.

"What makes you think you can threaten my little sister?!" I asked angrily once I noticed Wonyoung in the jacuzzi with Hyunjin.

"Oh come on, it was a joke!" Wonyoung tried to play it off.

"It's not a joke to me. Don't ever fucking touch her or talk to her like that again!" I angrily responded.

I then headed over to Haerin's room to make sure she was okay. I knocked on the door and Minji quickly opened it.

"I wanna talk to Haerin," I told her.

Minji didn't say anything and instead opened the door wider to show me a crying Haerin.

I took a deep breath and walked in to comfort Haerin.

"What's wrong, Haerin-ah?" I asked as I pulled Haerin into a hug.

- Haerin POV -

Like I said, It was like Y/n had a sixth sense when it came to me crying.

I was just confessing to Minji unnie that I like Y/n and that I was so stressed out about what Wonyoung said that I began to cry.

And without fail... Y/n comes to comfort me.

"Come on, Haerin. What's wrong?" Y/n asked me again.

I couldn't help but cry harder and snuggle into Y/n's chest.

"There, there, cry it out," Y/n cooed as she gently ran her hand down my back.

After a few minutes, I managed to calm down a bit and pulled away from Y/n's embrace.

"Are you ready to talk?" Y/n asked.

I slowly nodded a bit embarrassed.

"I'm gonna give you two some space," Minji unnie suddenly said before stepping out of the room.

"So?" Y/n asked.

"Wonyoung tripped me today and she told me that once you two officially date she'll make sure I'm not a priority anymore," I explained.

"Silly, that's why you're crying?" Y/n suddenly poked my cheek.

I furrowed my brows in confusion.

No matter how silly or stupid the reason I was crying was... Y/n always treated it like it was the most important thing in the world.

"Haerin, that would never happen. You will always be my priority," Y/n told me.

"How could you be so sure? When people date it's like they forget about everyone else but who they're dating. How can you be so sure that you won't forget me?" I asked, starting to get even more upset.

"I just am! okay?!" Y/n responded a bit agitated.

"But how can you-"

Suddenly, I felt a pair of lips press on mine.








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