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"So I'm thinking a proposal at my favorite restaurant, maybe hire Kenny G, oh better yet book out the whole restaurant. Order 1200 red roses make sure they are fresh, I wouldn't want wilting roses on the most important day of my life. Don't forget to alert TMZ about our upcoming 'private' proposal. I really want opening headline. What should I wear? actually don't answer that I have better fashion sense. You should wear something with colour just to be eye catching but not too eye catching I don't want you to outshine me in my moment. I think a pastel blue will look good on me, granted I look good in every. So what do you think?"

"Huh? What were you saying?"

"KING! where you not listening to anything I was saying?"

See these are the moments I wished I was dating someone mentally stable. I love Saint but sometimes he can be a bit too much, if you get what I mean. For the past hour he's been going on about his grand proposal, he feels that it's time for us to get married and honestly speaking I'm not ready. It's not him I just don't think we've been together long enough even though he feels that since we've been friends since we were younger that it's not too soon. But right now is not the right time. He wants a grand proposal and he doesn't trust me to do it right so he's planning how I'm going to pop the question and honestly I don't even want to get engaged right now. I though as a stared at Saint, I shook my head a bit and proceeded to respond.

"Baby of course I was listening I.. I just got lost in the vision you have for your big day."

"Oh.. yeah.. my big day." Saint dreamily.

"Go on continue babe I'm all ears." I said as I took out my phone.

"NO! stop distracting me, I know you weren't listening to me." he responded.

"Sainty-bear you know I'm always listening to everything you say." I said as I put my phone back into my pocket and reached my arm our for Saint so I could pull him closer making him sit on my lap. He was clearly starting to get an attitude.

"Really King if you were actually listening to me what flowers do I want and how many?" he said in a whinny voice.

I really hate when he uses that voice it grates my ears, but I wont say that to him because I love him.

"Uhmm you said you wanted...." just as I was about to bullshit my way out of this pointless conversation my phone started ringing. Thank God. I hurriedly answered the phone without checking caller ID as not to give Saint an opportunity to object.

Just as I was about to ask who is it my cousin Robin's voice boomed through the phone speaker. "Ayy Keem come to X memorial. I don't have time to explain just get here NOW!"

Robin is usually a quiet, nonchalant person but that call left no room for me to ask too many questions whatever was going on must be serious if she's calling.

I stood up quickly almost making Saint fall to the ground on his ass. I looked around the room while patting my pockets looking for my car keys.

"Looking for these." I heard Saint say from behind me. I turned around to see him standing the cars keys hanging on his right hand pointer finger and left hand on his hip with clear attitude written all over him.

Yeah I can clearly tell his not impressed with me almost making him fall.

"Saint I don't have time for this give me my car keys."

"Why should I? You basically through me across the room looking for these keys." he said while glaring at me with attitude.

"Bro I need to leave Robin called it's an emergency." I said as I let out a frustrated sight.

"So Robin is move important than your fiancé."

"I never said that. I just really need to go."

"Are you not even going to apologise to me?"

"I'm sorry Bek, may I please have my keys now." I said while sighing.

"Finally you're admitting you're an abuser."

"What the actual fuck Saint I don't have time for your games today. My cousin needs me right not you're busy acting like a childish bitch I don't have the energy for your fucking energy today. NOW GIVE ME MY FUCKING KEYS BRO!" I yelled at a went to grab my keys off his finger.

I don't usually raise my voice at Saint but he's on his bullshit right now and I do not have the patience for it today, something could be seriously wrong but Saint is playing with me.

"Why are you yelling at me I didn't do anything wrong." Saint started to whine and cry.

"Saint I'm not dealing with this today. I'm leaving we'll finish whatever this is when I return." I saw while sighing and shaking my head I'm getting fed up with his antics.

"So you're just going to abandon me."

I'm not even going to dignify that with a response. Is all I thought as I left the house.


This was just a filler chapter just to see a bit into the different relationship dynamics you'll be seeing.

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