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*beep.. beep.. beep.. beep...* Was all I could hear over some mumbling in the background. Why is it so dark? I thought as I laid on a hard surface... A hard surface! My bed is usually way more comfortable.. My bed? This is definitely not my bed... where am? I though as I tried to open my eyes and lift my arm. Why do my eyes feel so heavy what the hell is going on. I continued to attempt to open my eyes, while struggling I heard cries just above the beeping.

That sounds like Athlone why is he cry. I need to stand up and comfort him. My poor baby. Athlone's cries got louder and more intense which made me trash my body harder, trying to get myself to wake up. Why can't I wake up. What actually happened when that gun shot went off. While I was trashing around the memory came to me... I was shot!

Just as that realisation came to me I was able to open my eyes and move my arms.

"Bring him here..." I managed to rasp out.

I saw a figure walking towards me with a crying Athlone in their arms, as soon as Athlone laid his big water eyes on me his cries and sniffles began to die down. I reached out to him as he wanted to leap out of the arms of the person holding. I held him to my chest as I pat his back. All I could hear what his baby babbling and ever so often the sound "ma ma ma ma ma" could be heard, which indicated his was talking to me.

I could only respond with a soft "I'm here baby", "I'm sorry I made you sad", "I'm awake now baby you don't have to cry" and a few "uhm, mmhhhs and yeahs" this went on for a few minutes until he finally fell asleep. My baby looked so sickly, hasn't he been eating or sleeping.

I looked up to see if I could find a nurse or my siblings to ask what happened to my baby. As I looked up I saw an angry set of eyes glaring at me. I was taken aback by this, what the fuck was he doing here. I was about to say something, but someone wearing scrubs walked in I'm assuming it's a doctor or a nurse.

"Hi Aiden I'm nurse Johnathan, I came to check your vitals since one of your siblings came to the nurse station to inform me you woke up. Could I hand baby over to dad over there so I can check how you're doing?"

I looked at the sleeping baby in my arms than to the nurse than back to the eyes that were practically staring daggers at me and back to the baby. I was really hesitant to let go of my baby, he might wake up and cry again and I don't want that.

"Aiden sweetie we need to make sure you're okay and to make sure your hand and body need to be accessible." the nurse added while I though about to do.

I looked at nurse Johnathan than I looked at my baby I just shook my head no to indicate I didn't want to let Athlone go.

"Come on Aiden, it's really important. Dad will be in the room with us while holding baby. There's no need to be worried." Nurse Johnathan continued to coax in a soft tone.

"I don't want HIM holding MY baby." I whispered to Nurse Johnathan while putting emphasis on the words him and my.

Nurse Johnathan looked behind him and saw the daggers that were being stared at me. He sighed and shook his head.

"Okay sweetie I understand. Maybe I should get one of your siblings to h..."

"Get a nurse instead, he hasn't been eating or sleeping for the past few days he might be dehydrated." King said dryly as he interrupted nurse Johnathan while he pointed at Athlone.

Nurse Johnathan was taken aback by the sudden interruption but he proceeded to respond, "Okay. Please press the call button next to the bedside table to get a nurse to come here."

King walked towards my bed, with each step I felt my heart race, the machines connected to me were another dead give away that my heart was racing as the beeping in the background went faster and louder.

King pressed the call button, looked at me than walked away and stood at the door probably waiting for another nurse to arrive.

Ughh this is fucking nerve wracking what is he doing here and why is he looking at me like I betrayed him. FUCK!!! I got shot I don't need this bullshit right now I was shot. I thought to myself.


I don't have much motivation to continue with this book since likes and comments are so few.

I'll keep it up maybe I'll find the energy to write me but I promise nothing

Hope you like the update

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