chapter 3

37 2 19

A few days later

Alex was currently dying. Well, dying as in she can't do P.E. with a broken arm. She really loved running, and her teacher was also pretty cool. She sighed, packing up the last of her books with her right hand. A few days ago, she got adopted by some woman named Eleanor Bishop. As she slung her backpack on her healthy shoulder, she grabbed her suitcase, going downstairs as fast as she could. She felt her nerves go up as the brunette took off her glasses, smiling.

"Hi Alex, I'm Eleanor, I'm your new caretaker." Alex muttered a small hello, she wasn't that good around unknown people, and yes, this woman was going to raise her basically, but she would have to earn her trust. 

"Ok... Well, we gotta go, did you say bye to everyone?" Another nod was a sign that made Eleanor sigh as she got up from a chair. "Alright then, we're off." She smiled at the caretaker, taking Alex's baby blue suitcase into her right hand. As they walked outside, Alex was met with a limo. 

Oooook... Alex tought, she never dreamed of being near a limo, none the less drive in one. She dozed off as they drove towards her new home. Her knee bounced up and down as she looked at the New Yorkers bustling about. She suddenly felt the knee go hyper-fast, but she didn't pay any mind to that. 

It's been happening a lot as of lately. Alex only thanked God that they went over a bump as that happened, because she didn't want to get questioned for something she had no control over. 

She felt the car come to a stop after a few minutes, so she stepped out of the car. Eleanor came around the back as the blonde looked up in awe. Eleanor saw that and chuckled, patting her on the back, "Just wait until you see the view from up there." The elevaor ride was quiet, a bearable kind of quiet, and Alex couldn't contain herself. Some kids aren't this lucky, and she was grateful. 

She watched as Eleanor inserted the key into the door, and what welcomed her was a grand, covered in boxes, penthouse. "Mooom? Is that you?" she heard someone say, and after a few seconds, a girl around her age came zooming around the corner, almost knocking over some stacked boxes. 

She looked up at her mother, then down at the blonde. Actually, she did that a few times before asking, finally, Alex tought, "Is this my new sister?" 

Eleanor laughed, "Yes, now will you please show her her new ro-" She couldn't even finish her question, as the girl grabbed Alex's healthy arm, dragging her up the stairs. "Okay, so that there is my room, and here's yours!" 

The overexcited girl threw open the door to her new room, Alex stopping, her jaw dropping slighty. "Woah." The girl pulled her in, gesturing at the entire, humongous room. "I didn't know what colors you liked, so I put my favorite!"

Alex noticed the purple walls as soon as she set eyes on the room, but what interested her more was the view. It was unlike anything she had ever seen. The cars that zoomed past eachother absentmindedly, the people heading to work, home, Subway, they all seemed so small, like ants. The girl noticed that she was somewhere else entirely, so she took a seat at Alex's new working table, waiting for the girl to stop looking down.

Alex didn't look down as much, taking a seat at the foot of the bed, the black haired girl speaking up again. "So, what's your name? I'm Kate, even though my mom tells me to introduce myself as Katherine, which I find boring, also my middle name is Elizabeth. Dunno why I said that." She shrugged, her hands still stabilising her on the table. Alex took in the information, she was very good at remembering stuff. 

"I'm Alex Richardson. Or, rather, I used to be, guess it's Alex Bishop now.", she smiled at that, before continuing, "I don't have a middle name, my full name is Alexandra, but random fact, my favorite movie is Anastasia." Kate nodded, "Oh yeah, it's so good.", she stopped for a second.

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