Bio: Izuku Muramasa

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Name: Izuku Muramasa (chose his last name when he found out who he was descended from)

Hero Name/Alias: The Unlimited Blades Hero: Emiya

Age (Upon canon starting): 18/19

Gender: Male


Birthday: November 14th (I'm having Izuku being born roughly 9 months after that year's UA entrance exam)

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Birthday: November 14th (I'm having Izuku being born roughly 9 months after that year's UA entrance exam)

Height: 6' 5"

Quirk: Forge of Heroes

Quirk Description: Forge of Heroes allows the user to summon a forge and make weapons (primarily bladed-weapons however bows and arrows as well as defensive armaments to later guns can be made if the user is skilled enough) to later summon either through portals or straight into his hands. Once made, they will always appear back in the pocket dimension fully repaired no matter what damage they gained in the real world. His weapons can also gain properties if he wishes, such as Gae Bolg gaining the ability to always pierce his targets heart and instantly kill them upon being thrown with it's name being invoked, regardless of how much regeneration they have or how durable they are. The forge also gets better as he gets older and more advanced at black-smithing weapons. He also gains access to his mindscape, which is a way for him to see his pocket dimension without actually going in.

Quirk Drawback: he can only have one type of forge for certain weapons out at a time, i.e. if he brings out a forge designed for swords, he can't bring out another forge unless he sends that forge back.

Quirk Moves:

-Projection: summons the weapons straight into his hands, the more stealthy option and his go-to move. He can even do it to his outfit and it replaces his current clothes, since he made it himself. Said summoned weapons can remain indefinitely until they are fully broken, to which they go back to Izuku.

-Heroes Gates: opens multiple portals with his weapons being aimed out of them ready to be fired. Has a habit of calling everyone either Zasshu or Mongrels while using this move.

-Forge summoning: How Izuku can make his weapons and the main part of his quirk. He also gains the option to give his weapons an ability of sorts, as mentioned earlier when using this, otherwise his weapons are normal when made in a normal forge.

-Explosive weaponry: Allows him to overload certain weapons of choice and launches them to his target and explode. He can even shoot them like a bow and arrow.

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