Chapter Five: Princess Turned Warrior!

Start from the beginning

"You coming?" Echo asks.

"Not really our thing." Tech replies.

"Accolades." Crosshair states.

"Yeah, we're just in it for the thrill. Yo!" Wrecker states.

"You sure it's your thing?" Hunter asks.

"What do you mean?" Echo asks.

"Your path is different." Hunter says and laughs, "Like ours. If you ever feel like you don't fit in with them, well, find us." Rex comes back over and Kyla stands looking at Rex and Echo.

"Echo... Rex..." Kyla states.

"Yeah?" Echo replies.

"What is it?" Rex asks.

"Remember the prophecy I told you two about?" Kyla asks.

"Yeah, about how you'd find the one you're meant to be with... through us." Echo states.

"It's... Hunter." Kyla states.

"I can understand that. Those are some of the finest troopers I've ever fought alongside." Rex states, "Echo. You and I go way back. If that's where you feel your place is, then that's where you both belong." Rex turns to walk away and Kyla and Echo walk over towards the team who turn to look at them. Kyla looks at Hunter and she smiles.

"I get why Echo's coming but why are you?" Hunter asks.

"I go where Echo goes." Kyla replies.

"Why's that?" Hunter asks.

"I told you, Echo is to lead me to the one I'm meant to be with." Kyla explains.

"I thought you said you found him." Hunter replies.

"I have." Kyla states.

"Which one of us is it?" Wrecker asks as he'd been eavesdropping, "Is it me? I'm the better looking one."

"You better looking? Have you seen your face?" Tech asks.

"I'm handsome." Wrecker states.

"Maybe in your dreams." Crosshair states.

"Perhaps a smarter brain is what she needs." Tech explains.

"Wrong again." Kyla states.

"You're not my type." Crosshair replies, "I'm not interested in things like that."

"Good because you're not my type either." Kyla states and she looks up at Hunter. His eyes widened in shock.

"The rest of the prophecy... For your chosen one is a tracker. Upon meeting, he'll be protective of you, protect you from danger for he senses the connection deep inside him. He'll protect you no matter what, even if it means sacrificing himself but he will not die, he'll remain by your side and you by his no matter what." Kyla explains and Hunter looks away embarrassed since all his brothers were looking at him.

"I've never... I'm not sure how..." Hunter replies.

"It's alright. We can take the time to get to know you. Going wherever the action takes us." Kyla explains.

"Where the action takes us." Tech replies.

"AW YEAH! LET'S GO KICK SOME CLANKER TAIL!" Wrecker yells. Kyla and Echo look back over towards Rex and they salute him. Rex was glad that Kyla found where she belonged and he knew their brother would look after her. They'd found Kyla when she was a girl and they swore that they'd always be her big brothers. That was the thing with them. That's why she considered Rex and Echo her brothers because they made the promise to be her brothers. She wasn't really that much of a kid. It was only three years ago, she was just a younger woman than she was now.

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