Chapter Four: On the Wings of Keeradaks!

Start from the beginning

"I'm not so sure about this." Rex states.

"I'm telling you, there's a landing pad on that other building." Echo explains.

"So you think there's a ship that we can steal?" Hunter asks.

"Well, I hope there's a ship we can steal." Echo replies.

"Let's hope this trip isn't for nothing." Hunter states.

"I trust Echo." Kyla says. Anakin goes first followed by Echo. Rex headed after him and Kyla followed him. Hunter was right behind her. Crosshair followed before Tech began his way across. Wrecker looks down and then starts to whine.

"Oh, boy. I can't even look." Wrecker states, "Just keep walking, Tech."

"That's fine, but if you fall, don't take me with you." Tech states.

"Uh-Oh. I looked. Ahhh! I think I'm gonna be sick. Not gonna panic." Wrecker states.

"Hang on Wrecker, we're almost there." Hunter states.

"Honna be okay. Breathe." Wrecker states.

"Uh oh." Kyla states as she was looking ahead. There were droids coming towards them.

"Turn around! Go back!" Anakin yells. He activates his lightsaber. They go to turn around but are stopped by more droids.

"Whoa." Crosshair states and loses his balance.

"Oh, boy! Gotcha!" Wrecker yells, catching Crosshair and them himself.

"Anybody got a brilliant idea?" Anakin asks.

"I do have a brilliant idea!" Tech exclaims.

"I'm hanging here!" Wrecker yells.

"When the locals attacked us, I recorded the creatures' distress call." Tech explains.

"He records everything. It's a hobby." Hunter explains.

"Which allows us to call those flying creatures to us!" Tech exclaims.

"Then stop talking about it and do it!" Kyla states. Tech hits the button and a high pitched call is heard. They grab their ears.

"Ow! Enough with that sound!" Wrecker exclaims.

"There is our ride out of here." Tech explains.

"Now, how do we get on them?" Anakin asks.

"How else? We jump!" Tech exclaims. Everyone looks at him in disbelief.

"Alright, I'll go first." Anakin states. He jumps down and lands on one of the creatures. Next was Echo. He jumped but barely grabbed onto the creature. Rex jumped onto the same one as him and helped him onto it.

"I don't wanna do this, but here I go!" Wrecker states letting go of Crosshair and them himself and they grab onto one.

"See you later!" Tech exclaims and jumps. Hunter grabs onto Kyla by the waist and the two jump down and land with Tech onto the last one. They start flying away. The droids take off after them.

"Uh... that wasn't part of the plan." Tech states, "Those things can fly!"

"It's never that easy!" Kyla exclaims. The droids open fire.

"We have to shake those droids!" Anakin exclaims, "How do I steer this thing?!"

"How are you holding up, Echo?" Rex asks.

"Never better, sir!" Echo replies with a chuckle. They manage to escape the droids. They land in the village from before. The chief sort of yells at them.

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