Chapter Two: Predita Princess Kyla Obrit!

Start from the beginning

"I know. I heard it." Rex replies.

"That number, Cap, what did it mean?" Tech asks.

"CT-1409... that was Echo's number." Rex explains.

"Echo is like a brother. He saved my life one time." Kyla explains.

"He's alive." Rex states.

"This is fantastic news!" Kyla states, "We have to tell General Skywalker!"

[Back At Base]

Kyla walks with Hunter, Rex and Anakin Skywalker as they report their mission to him. He was not on the same page as them about rescuing one of their own. Kyla wanted to rescue Echo to pay back her debt of him saving her life. He and Rex both had saved her life and she'd worked under Rex this entire time. She respected the Jedi, but didn't agree with everything they said.

"Word is the general staff isn't completely behind this mission." Hunter explains.

"I admit the idea that Echo is still alive is a long shot." Rex explains.

"I'm sure the council will approve the mission." Anakin explains.

"They need to." Kyla states.

"Kyla, I know what Echo means to you." Anakin states.

"I consider him family..." Kyla explains.

"I know that. Just remember the primary goal is to learn how the Separatists are predicting our strategy, whether it's Echo behind it or not." Anakin states and Kyla looks away with a look. Hunter looks at Kyla.

"Well, if you want my opinion, sounds like a trap, but me and the boys will tag along anyway, if only to say 'I told you so'." Hunter states and Kyla looks at him with a look that was a cross between a glare and a pout.

"Just make sure you're ready if we get the go-ahead from General Kenobi." Anakin states.

"If you're certain he'll approve the mission, why wait?" Rex asks, "Let's get going."

"First, we have that thing to do." Anakin states.

"Uh, what thing?" Rex asks, confused.

"You know." Anakin replies.

"We don't have time for that, sir." Rex replies.

"Yes, we do." Anakin states.

"Well, I'll just let you two sort this out." Hunter replies, "I'll be waiting on the ship with the rest of the team." Hunter begins walking away.

"I request to stay with the Bad Batch." Kyla explains.

"Really?" Rex asks, surprised.

"Yeah, I'd rather not participate in your... thing." Kyla replies.

"Okay. Come on, Rex, I'm late as it is." Anakin states. Kyla walks over towards the Bad Batch ship.

"So, what's the thing?" Hunter asks.

"It's too ridiculous to really bring up." Kyla states.

"So what's the true story with you, Rex and Echo?" Hunter asks.

"They're like my brothers." Kyla explains.

"You consider Regs your brothers?" Hunter asks.

"I consider all clone troopers my brothers." Kyla explains.

"Why?" Hunter asks.

"All except one because he's foreseen as the one I'll end up with." Kyla explains.

The Bad Batch and the Last Princess of PreditaWhere stories live. Discover now