
"BOWLBOY!" Mugman yelled, "who's ever heard of a Princes Bowlboy."

"Haha," Cuphead laughed as he popped up from behind the armchair, "you like Bowlboy."

"I most certainly do not!" Mugman said indignantly, "he is irresponsible, carless and simply unhinged, not to mention the fact that he tried to kidnap me and almost killed you. Now pass me a pen and inkwell."

Cuphead went and got Mugman a pen and inkwell and Mugman started to edit the book. The book now read: Princes B̶o̶w̶l̶b̶o̶y̶ Cala maria.

"Now shoo," Mugman said, waving Cuphead away, "I don't need you reading over my shoulder."

Cuphead walked out the room with his hands wedged in his pockets, muttering under his breath.once he was outside he got an idea.

"I know, I'll go show Chalice."


Sir Mugsalot endeavoured to save the princes B̶o̶w̶l̶b̶o̶y̶ Cala Maria from her evil captor, the sorcerer Devlin the Dark."

The camera then flicks to look at the Devlin the Dark, who looks like the devil except with a gandalf hat, a long grey beard and a staff with a piece of obsidian wedged in the end.

"The castle is impenetrable," Devlin the dark said, "and I have the only key. Princes B̶o̶w̶l̶b̶o̶y̶ Cala Maria will me trapped forever, mwahahaha."



Cuphead arrived at inkwell city in good time. He strolled down a very specific set of back end alleyways until he reached a dead end. Over the top of the dead end was a tarp that was nailed to both walls. There were some holes in the walls on either side that had electrical cables coming through them, hooked up to lamps and other devices. Underneath the tarp was a mattress with a few blankets laid on top of it. and sitting on top of it all, listening to the radio, was Chalice.

"Hiya Cuphead," She said, "whatcha up to."

"I saw this really cool thing in the woods," Cuphead said, "let's go check it out."

"Ok," Chalice said, "but where's Mugman, he's normally up for looking at cool things in the woods."

"Oh," Cuphead said, "he's in the cottage reading one of his dumb romance books, bleugh."

"Yea..." Chalice said uncertainty, "anyway, let's go see that thing."

"Ok," CUphead said as he started out of the maze of allies.



Sir Mugsalot bravely rode towards the evil sorcerer, he raised his sword to strike but the sorcerer sent a blast of magic from the tip of his wand.

As the blast of magic shot through the air Sir Mugsalot guided his steed in a zig zagging pattern causing all of the magical projectiles to miss. As he closed in on Devlin the Dark he lowered his sword and stabbed at the crystal in the magic staff.

A deep explosion rumbled the entire earth, fragments of the crystal flew in every direction causing...


"Oh Mugman" Elder Kettle called, snapping Mugman out of his book, "i have a real treat for you today!"

"Let me guess," Mugman said, "I get to..."

"Complete this chore list!"

"I'm sick of always doing all the work around here," Mugman snapped, "why don't you get Cuphead to do some of it."

The Cuphead Show! Season 4Where stories live. Discover now