Start from the beginning

"Come. I'll show you." She said and they both went by the television.

"Recently constructed, one of the luxury hotspots of The New Orleans is engulfed in fire." The news channel anchor reported.

"Allegedly the fire broke out due to a short circuit and further aggravated due to some gas leakages." She continued.

"Is that...Is that our hotel ?" Markus questioned, the hesitance and concern in his voice didn't go unnoticed by Chloe.


"Fortunately, no deaths have been reported and authorities are taking injured to the hospi...." Anchor added but before she could complete, Chloe grabbed the remote and turned off the television  as she saw Sam coming towards them.

"What did Julian say ?" Chloe asked.

"They are trying to control the situation and evacuate the building. I have told them to offer compensation to the guests and send a tailored apology letter to them." Sam answered, he sounded stressed.

"How can they be so goddamn stupid. I am so gonna fire those laggards who were supposed to take care of the safety measures." Markus snarled with fury. "And all this had to happen today." He added, recalling about the meeting that was two days later.

"It is just an accident. No one is at fault here."

"Yes Markus, Sam is right." Chloe tried to calm him down.

"Yeah..I was just...." Markus began to speak when his phone, which was placed on the table vibrated. Thinking it to be an important message associated with the current situation, he immediately grasped his phone. It was a message from unknown number. His brows furrowed in confusion. He tapped on the message and read it. As Sam and Chloe observed, they noticed the change in his expressions. His eyes were burning with the flames of fury as his grip around his phone tightened to such an extent that it almost seemed to be hurting.

"Markus." Chole called him but her voice was a faint murmur, indicative of her gentleness. When she received no response from him, she cast a worried glance at Sam.

"Goddamn it."  Markus cursed as he slammed his fist down on the table, propelling his phone across the table and coming at halt near Sam's foot. Chloe was startled as she backed off slightly, Sam held her hand in an attempt to calm her down. Then, he lifted the phone to ascertain the cause of Markus' anger. 

Thankfully, the phone wasn't broken. He unlocked the phone and the moment he read the message, he was enraged, much like Markus'.

"It's just the beginning.
Worse is yet to come.

See you very soon.

Brendon Sullivan."



"Sam." Chloe called for the third time when Same snapped out of his thoughts and spared her a glance. Her hands went to his cheeks, trying to soothe him, before she asked , "What's wrong ?"

"It's Brendon Sullivan." She heard Markus say and turned to face him. He slumped down on the sofa, burying his face in his hands as a display of his overwhelming frustration. Chloe approached him and settled down next to him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Who is he ? And What does he have to do with you ?" Sam and Markus exchanged a look of disbelief, as if they couldn't absorb that all of this was actually happening.

"I think I have the right to know." Chloe whispered, having taken the note of their unusual behavior. Sam moved closer, taking a seat beside her, he intertwined  their finger and placed it on his lap.


In the middle of the hustle and bustle of the city, a man seamlessly blended in the crowd of people hurrying with their daily lives. Cautiously and with a sense of urgency, he dialed a number.

"Did you see the news." He spoke in hushed tones.


"What do I have to do now ?"

"Wait for my orders" The man on the other side spoke, his voice was low, dark and sharp, resonating with authority and menace, sending a bone-chilling sensation down his spine.

"Okay." The man replied and then the line went dead. The man's eyes darted around, showing his watchfulness and in a blink of an eye, he vanished into the crowd.


"Tell me."

"Brendon was just a little boy, when father brought him in. We grew up together, but he was always different. Young, impulsive, ruthless, cold and cunning. He was a force to be reckoned with, always ready to carry out father's orders, willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goals. He seemed to enjoy it, exerting dominance over people around him. He soon became the father's best man, earning his respect. However, as we grew older something changed. Power began to corrupt him and he turned rogue, often indulging in fights even with our own gang members. Our once close bond started to erode, as we grew distant. Father banished him, thinking that he would learn from his mistakes but the day never came and finally the day came, when he robbed one of our shipments, crossing the line by killing four of our men, including two innocent. young boys, caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Soon, he was caught by authorities, he feigned remorse for his actions, expecting that father would save him but he didn't." Markus told in a low, grave tone.

"But what did you do ? Why...why is he after you ?" Puzzled, Chloe questioned.
Sam and Markus exchanged a quick glance before Markus settled his gaze on Chloe, looking at him with worried expressions.

"Because, Chloe. I testified against him in court. He was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment. Meanwhile his other men were hanged, instead of him."

"Now, it seems like he is back and seeks revenge." Added Sam, Chloe grip instinctively tightened around his hand.

Chloe's exasperation was evident, as she jerked up from her seat, "Not again, please no." She exclaimed, her hands massaging her head and she paced back and forth in the room.

Sensing her fear, Sam moved closer to het and embraced her in his arms, as if assuring her that no harm could come to her as long as he was there.

Markus lowered his head, his shoulder drooping in exhaustion. He appeared tired, not wanting his past to ruin everything and bring any harm to the people he cared about but he also knew that he had to put everything to end, if he wanted them to be safe.


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