Chapter 01

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January 12th, 2008

Dear diary,

Things with mom are looking a lot better today than they did two days ago. The doctor said she may even make it to next year if it stays as stable as it is right now! I'm absolutely speechless but in a good way! This means mom with be able to see me graduate middle school and hopefully highschool. Gabby told me to just pray really hard every night and to hope for the best and for the first time since mom was diagnosed, I actually seen her smile a little.

Although I'm happy moms recovering, I'm still too anxious for school which is tomorrow. They're all going to be waiting for me I just know it. I just wish I had the courage to tell someone about it and hopefully make them stop but why would anyone want to help me?

Just a couple more years, right? I can do this.

Love always, nessa.

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