Felix x TimeTraveler!Fem!Reader: Time Led Me to You [Pt.2] 🕰️

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Warning? ⚠️: This part contains teasing. No smut, but it does contain flirtatious teasing.

The sun shone on your face, forcing you to open your eyes. You slowly realize that you're no longer in the forest but, instead, in a room. This room had a simple setup: a closet, the queen bed you're sleeping on, two nightstands, each with a lamp, and a desk facing a window. There were a total of three windows in the room.

"Where...am I?" You muttered to yourself.

The door opened to see the same man that saved you. He was holding a breakfast tray for you.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Uh-yeah, I feel okay. I think I scrapped my knee, but nothing extreme." You replied. "Good morning, by the way."

"I know that what happened in that forest is my fault. I'm sorry for intimidating you like that." He apologized.

"Oh, no, it's also my fault. I should've tried to explain myself." You replied. "I was genuinely lost, and I didn't know where to go."

"So you're not from around here?"

"No, not really."

"I saw your suitcase and decided to bring it here. I'll give it to you-"

"Oh, thank you-!"

"With the exception that you answer my questions."

Now here comes the real trouble. You rolled your eyes and gave a hefty sigh.

"What were you doing in the forest alone?"

"Please don't call the police, but I was running away from home." Bingo, there goes your lie.

"I won't call the police, but where are you from?"

"I'm from Brighton, Michigan."

"Wait, if you're from here, why don't I see you around?"

"Uh-well, I moved here recently, but I got my house confiscated."


"Yeah, I didn't pay the rent for five months."

"Why not?"

"Because I had no job."

"That's kind of weird for you to move here without getting a job beforehand."

"Well, I tried! I really did think I could get a job in time!" You explained to him.

"Geez, I'm sorry to hear that." The man tried to console you.

"It's fine." You nodded.

"So you were going to run away into the woods?"

"Pretty much, yeah." You scratched your cheek. "Now, can I ask you a question?"

"What is it?"

"Why were you in the woods? What was that animatronic thing? How did you get me here? Like, explain to me, please?"

"You said "a question," so I'll just answer one."

"No fair!" You crossed your arms and huffed.

"Okay, I was in the woods trying to..." the man pauses.

"Trying to what?"

"I was trying to find a wallet I lost a few days ago from a picnic." The man pulls out something from his pocket. "Look, I found it and cleaned it! Good as new!"

The wallet didn't have any remnants of dirt. He either must've done an impressive job, or he never lost it in the first place.

"I see. I also see that your name is Felix Kranken." You caught a glimpse of his driver's license.

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