11.Dark horizons

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After 15 minutes,

Taehyung finally decided to confront the inevitable and walked towards the study. Whether embarrassed or not, he knew he had to face Ahru eventually. The weight of their confrontation lingered in his mind as he was about to walk out of his bedroom.

Just as he was about to reach for his phone to call Kyungsoo, a message from him caught him off guard because he would never message him unless it was important.

Taehyung pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling the pressure mounting. Kyungsoo had been tasked with capturing Mr. Lim's son, Yeon Ho, who had broken a crucial deal and fled.

Before he could dial Kyungsoo's number,

the door flung open with a force that startled him. Ready to reprimand the intruder, Taehyung froze as he saw Juhee's usually composed face now pale and anxious. It must be important. Because juhee was most sane one in his whole gang.

She stood there, holding out a bunch of photographs. It took a moment for Taehyung to process what he was looking at —

images of lifeless bodies, two women and a small boy, their forms drenched in blood, evidence of a brutal stabbing.

Taehyung's jaw clenched with anger and concern. His first thought was for Kyungsoo, the man who had sent him the urgent message. "Where is Kyungsoo?" he demanded sharply, his voice betraying the turmoil within.

"He's in the hospital, but..." Juhee began, her voice trembling slightly.

"But what?" Taehyung interrupted, a sense of dread settling in.

"His family... they were killed," Juhee managed to say, her eyes filling with tears. The words hung heavy in the air, filling Taehyung with a mixture of rage and sorrow.

Taehyung didn't waste a moment. "I NEED EVERYONE IN THE MEETING ROOM WITHIN 5 MINUTES," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument. He fastened the buttons of his coat, grabbed his gun from the desk, and strode purposefully towards the meeting room, his mind now consumed with vengeance and the urgent need to secure his organization.

As he left, he completely forgot about the doctor waiting in his study. His thoughts were now dominated by thoughts of retaliation, justice, and the harsh realities of the world he ruled.



Winter had just began and yet it was already freezing. The combining of Frost and wind made the biting cold unbearable. Ahru regretted not wearing a thicker sweater this morning. Yet how could she knew she would be roaming on the street in the middle of the night at freaking 1:00 a.m..

" Gosh, I am tired, Lee Ahru, come on." And annoying voice hovered in the otherwise silent air and Ahru automatically turn to glare at him, who was still whining, following her all the way. Ignoring him she took another step forward.

" It's okay if you are going to ignore me, but wait Juhee will here to pick you up." That voice was getting closer as voice floated over her ear and damnit she just wanted to shut it out. Shut everything that was him.

"Stop following me is all I care!!" Ahru said finally stopping in her track momentarily.

Taehyung had been following her throughout the whole walk in low profile. She was walking alone. He even asked her to sit in his car but she had refused.

Why, why was he walking behind her ??where did his car went. Well it got stuck in the alley . As Ahru sensed that Taehyung was following her  she took narrow lane to avoid him. However much to her a annoyance he parked his car god knew where and had been following her ever since. Waking up all the ghost in the area because of his annoying voice.

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