11 | A Father's Love ❤️‍🩹

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"Zeff?" Sanji said as he looked into the eyes of his adoptive father that stood outside his house.

"Sanji, you're a fucking idiot." Zeff said as he punched Sanji, making him fly backwards back into the house.

"What was that for!?" Sanji shouted at him, cupping his cheek where Zeff had punched him.

"I can smell the cigarettes, I can see the dark circles around your eyes. And you look as thin as a rake, what happened to you?" Zeff said as he helped Sanji off the ground.

"I'm sorry Zeff, I kinda lost myself the past couple days." Sanji said.

"Yeah no shit, Sherlock." Zeff sad as he took Sanji to the sofa and laid him down.

"Sleep, you look like you haven't slept in three years." Zeff said, throwing a blanket on him.

Sanji didn't try to reason with Zeff and just closed his eyes and let himself drift off to sleep.


As Sanji woke up from his deep sleep, he heard a deep sizzling sound and as a luscious smell penetrated his senses.

"Zeff? What are you doing?" Sanji said as he looked over to where Zeff was.

"I'm making you some fucking food, dumbass." Zeff said as he continued to work away on the food he was making.

"Aha, thanks Zeff." Sanji said.

After a couple minutes, Zeff brought a plate of food to Sanji who eagerly took a few bites.

"So, tell me who made you like this." Zeff said, sitting next to Sanji.

"Promise not to kill them?" Sanji said as he took another bite from his food.

"I'll try not to." Zeff said, rolling his eyes.

"Thanks, dad." Sanji said.

"Don't call me that, it makes me feel old," Zeff said as he lent back on the sofa.

Sanji told Zeff about everything that had happened with Zoro and him, he started to tear up as he talked about it. As Sanji started to cry, Zeff pulled him close and hugged him.

"It's alright Sanji, you can cry as much as you want. Just let it out," Zeff whispered into his ear.

Sanji cried like never before, he let out all of his tears on his father, who just smiled and hugged him all throughout.


"Thanks so much for being here Zeff, and I'm sorry that I did that to myself." Sanji said before Zeff left the house.

"Don't worry about it kiddo, I'll always be here for you no matter what state you're in." Zeff said, opening the door and stepping out.

"Thanks Dad," Sanji said jokingly.

"I told you not to call me that nitwit" Zeff said angrily, shutting the door behind him.

Sanji smiled and pulled out his phone.

Doctor-San🩺: You alright now?

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Cook-ya🌻: how the hell did you get my dad's phone number.

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Doctor-San🩺: I'm glad you're alright 😊!

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Doctor-San🩺: That's not what matters right now, the only thing that matters is that you're safe 🤗

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Cook-ya🌻: I hate you.

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Doctor-San🩺: I'm sure you don't

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Cook-ya🌻: ...Thanks Law...

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Doctor-San🩺: No problem, I'm just looking out for you 👍

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To be continued...

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