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WARNING//authers note: this capter talks about topics like suicide and not eating// Be carful!!!! 

Last night was a long night Ash got upset over somthing and has been gone they said they needed some space they went to there friends house his name is mike i love mike but it seams Ash always wants to hang out with mike and not me they always leave 

to go talk to them im scard mike will make Ash leave me becuse im an agresive asshole i dont know how long theyll be gone somtimes theyve left fot weeks to go hang out with mike 

i lay my head on the glass window over my bed with my knees pressed agenst my shirtless chest and auttum sleeping at my feet the large wings folded down bee wings are fragile i have to be careful i feel myself get tired but im not sleeping till Ash comes home

in my thought i havent even realized that ive shrunk to about the size of auttum she looked so big so i give her a hug and curl up next to her 

and began to cry 

i never had a friend until Ash and they where my first and last friend i love Ash with everything i have but when i have a proplem they just want to make it better insted of exepiting it was bad 

no one really care for me do they i just get in the way and make a sence i just complane and make everything worse everyoones life would be better without me no one gives a shit my mind changes like crazyi stay there for about 40 minutes,i have a plan

slowly i become bigger till im my reguler hight and go grab atummums kitten food i should leave a lot out i dont know when Ash  will be back i dumb almost the whole thing of foos onto a plate and leave it and a lardge bowl of watter down the go to my dresser and grab a piece and papeer and a cryan 

i write "just going on a walk ill be home soon :)" i dont want to worry them  to much at a time i take the paper and tape it to the outside of the van then go back inside to pack a few things in my backpack i back a few pullups my stuffed animal calico cat and a yellow binky i but the back back on i stare at attum for a few seconds before picking her up and placing her on the ground i say goodbye to her and leave the van and walk a random direction in the woods 

we dont normaly go if all i do is stress out Ash i wont be there anymore she can have everything i left behind and sell it or somthing 

i hope i die out here and no one finds me no one would care anyway ill juat say sorry and i say it all the time its lost meaning it was getting dark so i deside to sleep hoping ill die during it i lay down on the dirt laying my head on my arm huging my plushie with the other i soon fall asleep

i wake up my body hurt like hell i sit up and look in my bag i didnt back any clothes but that didnt matter i put on a new pull up and stood up looking down at my shirtless body witch was covered in dirt i trace the fuzz on my chest with my hand but then snap into realality and began to but my stuff back into my bag and but it on my back and continue walking "im so fucking stupid i  Ash has always hated me havent they,they always get upset at me and then leave for a long time they dont care about me..i just dont want to make them sad anymore i just want to leave ill miss Ash but theyll find somthing better to do then have to watch over my bitch ass"

i mumble my myself as i feel myself began to get hungry but i ignore it and keep walking rhis forest never ends does it my legs hurt but i have to stop being a pussy about it 

if i do end up coming back home ill be a diffrent person no more of this baby shit and ill let Ash live with Mike and his girlfriend if they wont to and ill never cry and be calm all the time so i can be there for Ash becuose Ash is always there for me when im sad and im so selfish 

i dont deserve anything or anyone i beleave even Mike hates me ill never tell this to anyone whenever i tell somone my proplems they always use it agents me 

lost in my thoughts i bumb into a tree fall over on my back my ears ring for a second my vison gos blury and i black out 

Bee boy [sfw] [age/pet regression]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu