Chapter 12

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Oh what a headache. I turn over just to ease the unbearable ache a bit. I like drinking but not the hangover.

A hand land on my head startling me. "Shhh. Just me."

I relax knowing it's just Stryker. I sit up slowly and run my head.

"You're quite the drinker." I look down at him, his dark eyes staring back at me.

"Not the first time I've drink this much. I just never like the hangovers."

I slide off the bed and drop back on it as my legs were weak.

"Slow down."

"I need to call dad."

"He call last night after you fell asleep. He want us to bring you guys home in one piece."

Yeah sound like dad.

"I'm not going to school today."

"None of us is. Come back to bed." He pull me up to him trapping me between his arms.

I trace the tattoos on his arm, the intricate designs creating a beautiful contrast to his almost pale skin.

"You and your dad seem close."

"Yeah. He's one of those parents you can tell anything."

"And your mom?"

"I haven't seen her face to face since I was eight. She's a marine biologist so she just live in the water. The best part though is that she never forget a birthday nor an anniversary. She call when she gets free time which is like twice a month. Dad is a scientist too but he prefer to stay on land."

"So they are basically geniuses."

"Something like that. So what about yours?"

"I never talk about my parents."

"That's ok."

"But I guess I can tell you. My dad is the Governor and my mom is the mayor."


"Yeah. I've been in the media since I was born. I didn't want that life so I got dad to make me live a different life and don't speak of me unless it's extremely important. I hope you can keep that secret like my friends."

"Your secret is safe with me."

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