Chapter 4

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"I'm coming!" I almost fell over trying to put my converse on. I swear I went to bed early and yet I still woke up late. I don't know how I kept sleeping through that annoying thing. That's a mystery for another day.

I ran downstairs and shout a goodbye to dad before running out the door.

"The devil after you?"

"Probably but who knows." I get into her car and slump in the seat. "That was too much exercise so early."

"You'll get use to it."

Nope. The most exercise I get is on a surf board and I don't think that really count as an exercise. Is surfing an exercise? I never really think about it before.

"Earth to Malibu."


"We're here." Did I space out that long?

I get out and sling my bagpack over my shoulder.

"Let's go and watch the players practice since class won't start for another hour or so."

Sounds fun. Who doesn't like seeing sweaty boys?

We walk to the field and take a seat on the bleachers. "Kyle is so hot."

"Which one is Kyle?"

"Bright blue hair." He's kinda cute. He was one of those Asians with the very noticeable cute dimples. I can see why Carmen like him.

"You two will make great babies."

"Hey!" She slap her hands over her mouth as everyone turn to look at her. She glare at me and I laugh. Serves her right.

"Hey Kyle! Someone like you!"

"Malibu!" I grab my bag and run. "Get back here you traitor!"

"I was doing you a favor! He's cute though."


Damn she was right behind me. I ran to the players hoping to slow her down.

That didn't go as planned.

My eyes widen as I trip and I think my life at this school is already ruined.

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