I suddenly focused on the voice.

Because in this weird atmosphere, I heard the word “survival”.

[Let me repeat that. Only those who survive this tutorial will be allowed to go to the continent.]

“What… Are you saying you’ll kill me?”

Why only survival are allowed to go to this continent, if there goal is to save this land , isn't the more people they accept the better?

Or are they trying to separate people with potential from the bottom ones.

[It’s up to you, too. What I’m talking about now is your survival. It’s essential if you want to keep living. This is not a dream. This is reality you’re faced with. I wouldn’t recommend denying it. Because I have an obligation to help you as your guide in this tutorial.]

“Don’t mess with me! Christ!”

“Please let me out of here. I’m begging you.”

I heard a number of voices, but that woman’s explanation kept going calmly.

[The guide will now begin. Firstly, where you are now is a starting point where you can wait before you begin the tutorial. You can think of it as a waiting room. The starting point contains essential items for you. Water, food, and the weapons you’ll be using later. Weapon rarities can range from common, rare, heroic, and legendary, but all of the ones here are inferior to common weapons.]2

Some things definitely stood out. The water bottle placed in the corner was made out of leather, rather than plastic like it would be on Earth.

That wasn’t all.

Of course, the weapons were the most conspicuous.

Bows and arrows, swords and shields, spears and maces.

The presence of a wide variety of weapons that would be used in the Middle Ages was certainly alien.

Well it's a good thing I have a little mastery over deferent weapons.

Moments like this makes me a little bit thankful to the white room.

‘These are the real deal.’

They weren’t fake.

For the most part, the swords were dull and the weapons were old, but there were a few sharp ones.

A sense of reality began to set in.

[You can protect yourself with the weapons here. The goal of this tutorial is to survive and attack. Besides you, there will also be monsters, the inhabitants of the continent. They will be targeting you, and you’ll have to fight them.]

There is 2 goals in this tutorial and that is survive which obvious, and attack but what is that mean, they could just tell us to survive until the time is up without adding the word attack, or perhaps there isn't a time limit, we have to fulfill a certain condition to clear this tutorial, and the only way to do so is by attacking.

It was just like a fantasy novel.

What was interesting was that fewer and fewer people were shouting.

I began to focus on the sound of that voice.

Well, I felt nauseous occasionally, but that was all.

[Of course, it might be difficult to face them with your own power. But don’t worry. This is not the only thing prepared for you.]

“What the hell is this…”

[You are the chosen players. You came here with different personalities and from different places. This place will make your characteristics stronger and help you grow. You’ll understand what I’m talking about if you say status window.]

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