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At the opening ceremony
Everyone got ready in their new attires all set for the event
ALYA: "manik please come with us na"
MANIK: "what will I do alya? You guys go I've nothing to do there"
MUKTI: "yes manik you should come for us yarr"
MANIK: "I'll do one thing for you all that is taking care of your kids okay?"
DHRUV: "aunty(helper) will look after them manik"
MANIK: "no I'm not coming I don't like such things" he said going towards his room
They all left as the event was in the company only
Everyone was present there nd were waiting for the C.E.O to come ne cut the ribbon nd they would all get in
Fab4 navya nd abhi were standing a little far as there was a huge crowd accumulated with media too...after sometime the extraordinary luxurious bmw came the guards came out of car the handled the media making her way clear nd then some guards went towards the car nd opened the door of herside of car
ALYA: "what a protocol guyss I want to see her face"
ABHI: "we'll see her once we get in from here it's not possible due to the huge crowd" he said nd alya got upset
Nandini came out of her car wearing her white heels she was wearing a casual but classy outfit wearing big sunglasses she left her hair open which were coming on her face due to the wind nd no one was able to see her face
She stood infront of the entrance nd cut the ribbon while everyone clapped nd she went inside not wanting media to capture her in any way everyone went in too

NAVYA: "I couldn't see her face but  she had a good sense of style I must say"ALYA: "definitely and the attitude broo" she said still looking in her direction DHRUV: "if you guys are done fan girling her can we go in?" He said nd everyone moved in...

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NAVYA: "I couldn't see her face but  she had a good sense of style I must say"
ALYA: "definitely and the attitude broo" she said still looking in her direction
DHRUV: "if you guys are done fan girling her can we go in?" He said nd everyone moved in
In the hall everyone gathered on the stage it was dark nandini came on the stage the spotlight fell on her nd 6 people in the hall could not believe if it's real or not
NANDINI: "good morning everyone (as her voice reached their ear they all got emotional) welcome to the NM INDUSTRIES whoever of you had been selected here it's all because of your experiences nd the degrees you had so I want the same thing to go on I want work work nd just work I won't tolerate mistakes you've given a opportunity avail it get the best out of it I want this branch of NM to also become the most successful in your country...know your responsibilities do you work properly nd not disappoint me it won't be good for you there are some rules in this office so follow them
1. The heads of department are responsible for everything happening under them if theres a problem solve it if you can't contact my P.A directly.
2. I want discipline here nd most importantly be on time you won't be able to enter the office even if you're a minute late get that straight into your head.
3. Keep your personal issues nd discussion to your house only in office there should be only discussion of work you're not here for friendships nd relationships remeber that.
4. Nd as I can see you'll have tried your best to wear the most expensive or beautiful outfits to look better than the rest so let me tell you're not coming in a fashion show your outfits won't inspire me but your work will surely.

Lastly I would like to say it takes you blood nd sweat to make company's in such a short period of time nd making them successful feel as if it's your own work for it nd I'll make sure you get paid for it....nd yeah I'll treat evryone equally even if you're the head or an employee or even if a sweeper do your work you'll be appreciated not doing will risk you SO BEST OF LUCK ALL OF YOU THE COMPANY'S ALL YOURS
The others things my staff will let you all know thankyou."

evryone started gossiping while the fab4 navya abhi they were still in shock seeing her after 5 years that too like this
NAVYA: "she has changed na?"
Everyone nodded nd went in their thoughts to process what they saw

Nandini went away from the back door she was going back to her office when she heard someone crying she went after the voice to see a small boy sitting in a corner crying he looked scared nandini saw him ne went towards him
NANDINI: "hey hey what happened??" She said sitting on her heels looking at him
The boy looked at her nd thought he had seen her but he couldn't remember
NANDINI: "what happend why're you crying? Who are you with" she made the boy stand nd hugged him sitting on her knees rubbing his back he was better now
"I I lost my father nd I'm scared" he said cutely nd nandini got all aww on him
NANDINI: "okay I'll find your father you come with me" he thought for a while nd then gave her his hand she took him to her cabin
NANDINI: "did you like my office?" Nandini said to him as he was looking around nd he noded
NANDINI: "want something to eat? Juice or anything?" She asked picking up the phone
"Oreo shake" he said hesitatingly nd nandini smiled broadly at him
She called nd told them to bring shake for him nd also called john nd asked him to do an announcement if someones child if missing so come to nandini's cabin..
NANDINI: "your father will be here what's your name?"
She said sitting beside him
"Affan" he said nd nandini smiled remembering something
NANDINI: "why did you get away from your father?"
AFFAN: "wo dad was calling chachu he went a little away nd I didnt knew where he went" he said explaining while someone came in nd handed over the shake to her...she gave it to him
NANDINI: "how old are you?"
AFFAN: "4 and a half year" he said taking a sip of his shake
NANDINI: "who do you live with?" She said cleaning his mouth with a tissue
AFFAN: "i have three chachu 3 nd 3 chachis cousins nd my dad"
NANDINI: "wow you're lucky you have a big family"
AFFAN: "you don't have a family?" He asked nd put the straw inside his mouth looking at her nd she was taken aback with his question nd stood up from her place nd sat on her chair thinking of his question while he looked at her nd she gave him a smile...he came towards her
AFFAN: "will you be my girlfriend?" He said coming to her nd nandini started coughing nd drank water
NANDINI: "what did you just say? Girlfriend?"
AFFAN: "yeshh you r girl nd be my friend" he said nd she laughed pulling his cheeks
NANDINI: "you're so cute...will your baba agree on me being your girlfriend?" She asked acting serious
AFFAN: "dad noo can you be my secret girlfriend" he said putting his finger on his head
NANDINI: "don't ever hide anything from your dad nd ok I'll be your girlfriend" she said making him sit on her lap laughingly while the door knocked nd john told her that affan's father is here
NANDINI: "send him in"
The door opened nd someone entered seeing whom affan ran to him saying dad nd nandini's eyes widen in shock her heart beat fastened her eyes had so much memories of the person which were coming as flashbacks her eyes got wet but she was looking at his face as if she even blinked for once the person will disappear from her eyes she again felt weak seeing him seeing him after 5 years she wanted to forget everything nd go in his arms hold him cry her heart out fight with him get angry on him complain to him why he did all that but she couldn't......


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