That's not all that's changed, though. As Smokesong pushed herself through the vines that screened the entrance to her den, she surveyed FalconClan camp once more. She had lived and slept here almost all her life, but it was the most recent, painful memories that seemed to cling onto her belt like stubborn burrs.

Smokesong glanced at one corner of the camp, remembering how her littermate, Coalfang had played games with her as kits. They had pretended that they were fierce falcons trying to attack the camp. Smokesong had always won against her scrawny brother.

Then, another memory came. It hurt as though some cat was dragging their claws down Smokesong's heart. Coalfang, looming above her, eyes narrowed to slits. In one paw, a vine that would never come off Smokesong's neck. In the other, a bloody paw from where he had just scarred he-

"Hey, look everyone! It's Smokeysong!"

Smokesong looked up to see Specklepaw bounding toward her through wide blue eyes. The kit waved his paws at Fadedpaw and Squawkpaw excitedly, as though great Falconstar himself had just risen from the dead.

His mother, Silvermist, held him back with one forepaw from where she sat with her older kit from another litter, Snowlight. "Be polite, Specklepaw," she reminded him.

Hawkblaze trotted back up to her apprentice after having deposited her sparrow and vole onto the freshkill pile. Her long scars glittered in the dying sunlight Smokesong felt happiness ring through her pelt as her best friend rubbed the neck of Specklepaw affectionately. Having Specklepaw to care for really helps Hawkblaze not focus on...everything, Smokesong thought.

She blinked as she saw the last FalconClan patrol swooping in overhead. Duskfang was at the lead, followed by Ezra, Lavenderheart and Raccoonmask. As they dived toward camp, Smokesong reflected on where all the former Ferals had ended up.

Wave had gone to AquaClan to be with the new deputy, Lilywave. Oh right, Smokesong though. The new leadership cats. An older AquaClan cat named Waveclaw had gotten nine lives. In CometClan, Breezestar had returned, having been held captive by vines that Nightstar put on her.

Dart and his kit had left the clan territories altogether. Most of the former rogues had stuck pretty close to the clan territories, though. They had all banded together, forming their own unique group. Icicle and Mountain had gone off on a journey to see some new parts of the world, though they promised to return.

Smokesong thought that was pretty cool. She enjoyed the new FalconClan, though, in spite of everything that had happened. Now, Smokesong could easily list the names of all the cats in FalconClan. After all, it had gotten so much smaller.

Cloudstorm. The cat was old enough to retire, but FalconClan had so few warriors that he had stayed on. Moonflight, Silvermist Snowlight, Hawkblaze, Racconmask, Lavenderheart, Ezra, Duskstar.

Those were all the warriors that remained in FalconClan. The other cats, Roseflight, Fadedpaw, Squawkpaw, Specklepaw, and me, all had different roles.

They were a small clan, but they were hardy, and driven. As Smokesong stared out at Hawkblaze and the other warriors, she felt convinced that FalconClan would survive their hardship. Even though all our wounds may never least we have each other.

"Hey, Smokesong."

Blinking, Smokesong looked up to see Hawkblaze standing a mouse length from her, eyes round with concern. Smokesong wondered how exhausted she must look; every cat had had to work extra hard to ensure the survival of their small clan.

"Are you good?" Hawkblaze asked, wrapping one wing around Smokesong.

"Yeah, I'm good," Smokesong blinked up at her friend. Hawkblaze's face was like a sun's brilliant ray to Smokesong, in spite of all her scars. "Just...reflecting."

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