New Problems on the homefront

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Julie's POV

Walking with Asim, Brody and Mitch back the school was probably the quietest walk I have ever been apart of. Asim was carrying a rabbit in one hand and his bow in the other, Asim and Mitch both had their weapons in their dominant hands. Feeling the wooden handle of my combat knife as it rested in my right hand. "So now we got two more mouths to feed." Hearing Asim voice his distaste about bringing in the girl and her boy from the crash made me tense up a little. "What is that supposed to mean?" My response caught him off guard as he looked shocked I said anything. The sound of a stick snapping caught our attention as a group of three walkers started making their way towards us. Flipping my knife into a reverse grip while approaching the meat bags. They were scattered, allowing me to take them out without worry. Sneaking up on one that was turned around, rasing my knife up before plunging it into the back of the walkers head. The sound of bone breaking under the pressure before blood seeped out of its skull, then it fell to the ground even more lifeless then when it was standing. Brody made quick work of the walker on my left while Mitch killed the walker to my right. "Good job everyone, lets get back before more of them show up." Returning to Asim as he was still holding the rabbit. He looked at me before looking down. "Sorry about my comment earlier, it's just that Marlon keeps moving the safe zone further and further back. It's getting almost impossible to catch food to survive now. Think about during the winter." Nodding my head at him as we continued our walk back to the school. It was peaceful for a while before the sounds of walker moans caught our attention. Raising my hand up in a balled fist, everyone stopped walking. Scanning the trees looking for the source of the moans, for a bit there wasn't any sign of the walkers then five of them came walking into the opening infront of us, blocking our path. "Shit, we got meatbags infront of us." Mitch and Brody got ready to fight the walkers, all of a sudden three more showed up. "Son of a bitch." Yelling out while grabbing my knife and holding it in a reverse grip as the group of eight walkers made their way towards us. Taking on the closest one while Mitch took out the one next to me. Getting closer to the walker, it reached out to grab me. Bringing my leg up and kicking the walker in the knee, it lost its balance and fell to it's knee. Swinging my knife into the side of its head the sound of bone breaking entered the mix of walker moans and sounds of struggle from Brody and Mitch. Pulling the blade out of the walkers skull it then fell to the ground. Hearing Marlon shout in the distance as an arrow entered one of the walkers skull. Brody had taken out one of the walker while Mitch took out two walkers. Violet ran forward with her meat cleaver in hand. She used her momentum to swing hard and deep into one of the walkers head. Louis came around a tree with his infamous chair leg he named "Chairles" swinging it at a walkers leg then bashing it's head in shortly after. A third person came out from the treeline with a knife in there hand, they held it in a reverse grip. They were behind the walker from where I was standing so I couldn't see who it was. They kicked the walkers leg in and quickly stabbed it in the head. As the walker fell the person that was standing there surprised me. It was the girl I brought back the the school hours ago, she was in good enough shape to be out here fighting walkers with us. "Nice timing. Were not going to be able to hold them off much longer." Violet said as we ran up to Marlon and the rest of the group. "Yeah no kidding. Where did all these walkers come from?" Brody said as we made it to the group. Giving the new girl a once over before focusing on the task at hand. "We can talk later. Watch out for stragglers." Marlon nodded at what I said before responding. "Julie's right we should wait to talk until we are back inside the gate." We all started walking back to the school with Marlon leading the way with Asim and Brody right next to him, Mitch followed close behind while Violet, Clem, Louis and I walked in the rear. "You know your not half bad. Considering the circumstances and all." Violet made the comment towards the new girl. She just looked at Violet. "Thanks" she said with a smile. "Let's finish these guys off. We don't need them attracting more walkers back to the school." Violet said as more walkers came out of the trees and onto our path. Clem and I spotted a walker with an arrow sticking out of their spine crawling towards us. Rasing my knife up, ready to finish this walker off but the new girl walked ahead of me and stabbed them in the head. "I had that one." She turned and looked at me before turning back around. Rasing my gaze up to where she was looking, Asim was finishing off a walker with his bow. "Piece of shit." He mutters while walking forward and reaching for his arrows. "I hate this cleanup bullshit." He says while pulling one of the arrows out of the walkers leg. Suddenly a walker comes from around a tree and hops on Asim. Acting off of instinct, running forward while grabbing the arrow in the walker the new girl just killed. Closing the distance fast with the arrow in my left hand, the walker was about to bite Asim. Rasing the arrow above my head and slamming down in the walkers skull the arrow went through the bone, making a loud crack as the walkers skull broke. The walker went limp as it had died. Hearing another groan behind me caught me off guard as a walker grabbed my shoulder. Turing around with my knife in hand the walker went to chomp down on my neck, before it could the sound of dog running was heard just before Rosie jumped up and knocked the walker off me. The walker now on the ground tried crawling to the new girl but before it got far Rosie jumped forward and chomped down on the walkers skull, a sickening crunch coming from that. Rosie then continued to tear into the zombies skull before ripping the top half off. The new girl was holding her knife up in a defensive manner toward Rosie. She looked absolutely terrified. "Good girl. Shh, shh. It's alright girl it's alright." Marlon ran over and calmed Rosie down by giving her a few scratches behind the ear. He then looked up at her as she still looked terrified. "Hey, I see you and Rosie are making good friends." He had a smile on his face. The new girl looked a little relieved when Rosie stood down, she lowerd her knife before speaking. "Had a bad experience with a dog once." Marlon smiled once again before speaking up. "Well Rosie here can help you get over that. She's as cuddly as they come." Rosie moved her head to look at Marlon while she licked her lips. "Except for when she's mauling walkers, that is." Helping Asim up he smiled and said. "That walker came out of nowhere. Thanks" he then walked away. Walking over to Marlon, Violet, Rosie and the new girl. "Thanks Rosie." Kneeling down to pet her, she licked my hand before giving me a playful bark and wag of her tail. Marlon spoke up. "Alright, Alright____ funs over let's get inside. I'm fucking starving." Laughing at his last comment as him, Brody, Mitch and Asim walked ahead. Violet, Louis, the new girl and I all followed behind them. "Your not the only one." Looking at the new girl as she started walking forward, Violet came up beside me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad your ok." She said as we caught up to Louis and the new girl. "How'd it go out there?" Marlon asked Asim. "How do you think it went." He responded, this was already not going to be a good conversation. "Be nice Asim." Hearing Brody say that only seemed to upset Asim more. "The safe zones dry. Julie and I could barley find enough for tonight." He said while looking at Marlon. "We're going to have to scout out further if we are going to survive the winter." Marlon looked over to the new girl before responding. "We'll talk about to later." Asim wasn't having any of it. "Bullshit, we should talk about this right now." He stepped in front of Marlon, who just shoulder checked him. "I said later damn it." Shaking my head while walking up to Asim, putting my hand on his shoulder. "I'll talk to him later about it." Asim just nodded as we continued back to the school. "Still standing I see." Hearing Louis behind me made me slow down to join him, Violet and the new girl. "I'd call that a B+ performance there Vi. You've done better." She just looked away and flipped him off. Making me chuckle. "Fuck off." This made me laugh a bit louder earning a look from Louis. "And a B- for you Julie. Now, Clem here? That was a solid A. A+ even." Rasing a hand up to my chest acting hurt. "Yep, I'm pretty much a badass." Hearing her response made me look at her with a smile. Maybe she will fit in here. "And she's modest. Do the wonders never cease?" Hearing Louis say this made me laugh a bit before speaking. "Hey Louis. Does your ass ever get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?" He held a hand up to his chest acting like he had been stabbed. "Ouch." Shaking my head as he laughed at mine and his jokes. Looking over at the girl that Louis referred to as Clem. "So your name's Clem?" She looked at me with a small smile. "My name's Clementine but my friends call me Clem." Nodding my head at her. "Well my name is Julie." Louis then piped up. "We kicked nine teen kinds of walker ass. And with style. Why not be proud?" Walking over to be beside Violet, she smiled and took my hand. Marlon whistled for Rosie and she came running in-between Clem and Louis. We were just outside the gates now. Chloe was on the tower with Willy as they waited for us to come back. Sophie was standing infront of the gate with her mask resting on top of her head. She opened the gate for Marlon and us as we approached. As the gate closed behind us the little boy from the car crash was sitting on a bench. When he saw Clem he bolted up and grabbed her wrist. "There pretty good." He said to Clem as Marlon started walking up behind the boy. "With the monsters." I followed Marlon as he was almost behind the kid. "Come-on y'all the food's nearly---" Marlon put his hand on the kids shoulder and before Marlon could say anything else the kid elbowed him in the dick. Hearing the manhood leave Marlon almost made me fall on the ground laughing. "AJ!" Clem shouted at the kid before he ran away. Marlon had both his hands on his knees while trying to ward off the pain. "Shit..." He said in a really pained voice. "I'm so sorry about that. It happens sometimes." Still in alot of pain his voice was higher pitched as he said. "He's a jumpy little guy." Walking up behind Marlon as he started standing strait. "You going to be ok?" Clem asked as Marlon just nodded his head before responding. "Look, he can't go around punching people in the... You know... And expect 'em to eat at the same table." We all looked at him as he looked back at us. When he noticed we were looking her got a scared look before turning back around to look out the gate. "I'll talk to him." Clem said before turning to walk away. Marlon and I walked over to the admin building and sat on the steps with Brody and Rosie. Watching Clem and AJ as they walked around and talked to the rest of the kids. Sophie was hanging out with Chloe at one of the benches. Mitch was with Willy on the couches. AJ and Clem walked up to Mitch and Willy, a little after they started walking Willy and Mitch started laughing. This brought a smile to my face. Clem and AJ then walked up to Louis and Omar, their conversation didn't last long before Clem and AJ walked over to the table Sophie and Chloe were sitting, after a few seconds Sophie smacked Chloe's arm as they laughed. Looking over at our graveyard there stood Tenn and Violet. Getting up and walking over to them, they were paying respects to The twins graves. Walking to the right of Violet and taking her hand she looked over and smiled at me. We stood in silence before we heard footsteps behind us. "What is this?" AJ asked, Violet turned around and responded. "It's our graveyard." Clem looked a bit surprised. "You guys still do that?" She asked, turning around and looking at Clem." Kinda sorta." She then looked at the cross above the grave we were standing infront of. " So who's buried here?" She sounded hurt, like she didn't get to bury a loved one. "Nobody, really. This is where we buried Tenn's sisters belongings. Minne and Sophie. Twins. Lost them both about two years ago." Violet said while Tenn placed some flowers. AJ looked at Violet with a questioning look. "Paying respects." AJ then looked at me after hearing my response. He then looked at Clem before asking. "Should we do that, to?" She stood there for a second before responding. "Yeah, I think that would be a very nice thing to do AJ. C'mon." Violet gave her flowers to AJ so he could pay his respects to Minne and Sophie. He walked over and beside Tenn, placing the flowers on their grave. Violet had a smile on her face instead of the typical frown she would have had almost a half year ago. "Thank you." Tenn said to AJ as they looked at each other. They then walked away. "I'm grateful they did that." Violet said while taking my hand. Nodding at her before we stood there in silence. Letting go of Violet's hand and giving her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled before nodding at me. "Get back to Marlon and talk to him about the safe zone." Smiling at her while taking my leave. Clem and AJ were walking up to Marlon at the same time I was. Hopping up on the porch just behind Marlon and Brody while Rosie was asleep. Sitting down criss cross applesauce next to the sleeping giant. "Clementine right? I'm Brody." She then looked at AJ. "He's a sweet little fella." Clem looked over at AJ before saying "I'm the lucky one. He's just naturally good." Chuckleing lightly, Marlon looked back at me causing me to raise my hands. "What he is a cute little guy." Brody shook her head, then she looked at Clem. "Naturally good, that's rare stuff." Clem then rested her hand on AJ's shoulder. "I'm really sorry I hit you." AJ said while looking Marlon directly in the eye's. "Can we please stay here and eat dinner and not go out into the forest and not get killed by monsters?" Brody and Marlon shared a look before he turned back to look at AJ."Don't sweat it buddy. You can make it up to me by teaching me your technique. You are a regular heavyweight." He looked so relieved and happy that Marlon wasn't mad at him. "Hey how about you teach me as well, help me keep Marlon in line." Saying this while playfully pushing Marlon's shoulder. "Hey Clem! AJ, Stews done." Louis called out as Marlon and I were laughing at my joke. They looked at Marlon waiting for an answer, before he said anything I spoke up. "You guys earned it after all." With that we all stood up and walked over to the pot to grab a bowl of stew. Violet walked up to me and gave me a bowl of stew, then we walked over and sat with Tenn. Violet was on my right, in-between me and Tenn, Brody sat down infront of us. "So how was hunting with the messed up arm?" Violet asked as we sat and ate. "It stings a little but, Ruby did a good job stitching me up." After saying that Violet smiled before returning to her food. It was a peaceful night as we ate, the sound of grasshoppers faintly heard outside the walls. Hearing a bunch of burps come from the other tabe that had Ruby, Asim, AJ, Clem, Marlon and Louis. Ruby wasn't sounding happy. "C'mon you guys." Laughing a bit before looking at Violet with a smirk. She just shook her head. Looking back at the table and burping really loudly caught all of their attention. "Really you too!?" Ruby sounded pissed now but that didn't stop me from laughing. Chloe and Sophie were sitting at the table with Mitch and Willy. Chloe and Sophie looked over and just shook their heads. "Oh, good lord." Hearing another burp come from Clem and AJ upset Ruby some more. Both Clem and AJ were laughing. "Enough." Marlon called out with Ruby looking at him. "Thank you." She said as Marlon looked in her direction before belching. She got up and left the table while the rest of them laughed. "Good night, Ruuuby." Louis said as she flipped us off while walking away. AJ looked over at Clem. "Clem." He sounded sad and hungry at the same time. Looking at my barley touched bowl before standing up with it and walking over to them. "I'm sorry AJ, I'm sure they shared as much as they can." Just as she finished saying that, a bowl being set in front of AJ caught their attention. "Are you sure about that." Clem asked me, smiling at her before responding. "Yeah, he's a growing kid he needs it more." She smiled at me and nodded while AJ dug into the stew. Walking back over to my table with Violet she had a smile on her face. "We'll look at you being kind and shit." Smiling at her while rasing my middle finger up. This just made her smile and laugh, she then finished her bowl of stew. Brody stood up and was walking away when Louis held up a deck of cards. "Oh, God, goodnight." Louis just shrugged it off and called out to us. "Violet, Julie. It's time." Violet and I stood up and walked over to the table while AJ walked over to our table and sat down with Tenn. Sitting down side by side we looked over at Louis, waiting for him to start the game. "What's the game tonight Lou?" Marlon asked while pulling away clems bowl. "War." He said dramatically. "Sounds fun how do we play?" Clem asked, Violet moved the bowls that were Infront of us to the side. "It's easy. Everyone gets a stack of cards, everyone flips one over. Highest card wins." Grabbing the bowls and setting them in the edge of the table. "And the winner gets to ask Clem a question." Louis says the final rule, while Clem gives him a "really" look. "What? I want to get to know you. We all do." Violet and I nodded our heads in unison. "And what if I win?" Clem leans forward on the table. "Then you get to ask us one, it's only fair." Hearing my response she nodded her head before asking. "Wait what about AJ?" She then turns to look at where he was only for him to not be there. "What about him? Looks like he made a friend." She looked at me while I pointed at where he was sitting. She turned and looked, seeing him with a smile on his face while talking to Tenn. "C'mon you can take your eye's of him for one card game. I'll bet you both could use a break from each other." She heard Marlon say before she turned around with a smile on her face. "Yeah, maybe. This is his first time around anyone his own age. Sometimes he acts more like an adult than a kid." She was looking back at him again but the smile never left her face. "It's nice to see him act like a kid again." She turned back around and rested her arm on the table. "Louis? If you would." Marlon asked. Louis started us off, grabbing my card and flipping it. "Way to go me." Violet said as she had a queen and Clem had a five. "So, about AJ... Where are AJ's parents?" Hearing her question caught most of us off guard. Hitting her arm she just grunted before rubbing it. Clem looked at us before responding. "They're dead. They were nice people." She looked down at the table while saying this. "For the most part." She looke back up, then Louis responded. "Makes sense. He's a nice kid." Him and Clem shared a look before she chuckled. "For the most part." Violet looked at me with eyes that asked me if it was an ok question to ask. Nodding at her she looked relieved. We all flipped our cards again. Clem had a joker while the rest of us didn't even go above eight. "Hey I win." Clem said excitedly. "Hey, you do. So what do you want to know?" Louis replied as Clem looked around. "Ok, uh... What's the grossest thing you've ever eaten?" She asked while rubbing her neck and looking around. "It's pretty easy, uh horse eyeball." Violet answered and Marlon answered right after. "Slugs." Louis was the next to answer. "Cantaloupe." As he said this Violet interrupted. "C'mon." He looked directly at her. "Dude, I fucking HATE cantaloupe." Looking down and laughing for a bit until the feeling of everyone staring made me look up. Everyone was staring at me. "What?" Violet smacked my left arm playfully. "You need to answer now." Sighing and looking at Clem. "Got to say it was probably the time I ate dogfood." Clem looked at me with a small smile. "Don't lick a salt lick." We all laughed a bit before flipping our cards again. "Booyah." Looking at Louis as he celebrated his win. He looked at Clem for a second like he was going to ask something before he chickend out. "C'mon, Louis spit it out." He looked at me for a second before asking Clem his question. "So, uh... Ever, uh... Ever have a boyfriend?" Her smile faded while me and Violet just looked at him like he is stupid. "Oh, my god." Saying this while slamming her hand on the table from the second hand embarrassment. "What? It happens. Perfectly valid question." Louis trys to defend himself. "You can ask me if I had a girlfriend. I haven't, by the way." He says while looking at Clem. "Never." Louis looks confused by her response. "Not even once?" She looked back at him and said sternly. "Never." We all flipped our cards again. "Ha, I win." Marlon says while looking at Clem. "So, Clem... You can't have been alone this entire time." He leans back and pulls his arms back resting them on his legs. "Who used to take care of you?" He asked bluntly. "The first person who taught me about survival was Lee." Marlon then asked another question. "What'd he teach you?" She looked down and back up at him. "Lots of stuff." Reaching up and touching Rachel's earring. "Most important thing?" Clem looked over at me before refocusing on Marlon. "How to say goodbye." We all paused for a moment before flipping our cards again. "I win again." Clem states as she looks at me. "Worst injury you ever saw?" Reaching down with my left hand and grabbing Violet's right hand. She gave me a nod of reassurance. "I had to watch my Ma die in my mom's arms. She was shot four different times in the chest and once in the leg." Looking down as everyone looked at me. "I'm sorry." Hearing Clem say that brought a small smile to my face. "It's ok Clem I have learned how to say goodbye as well." Violet squeezed my hand once before she spoke up. "I saw a walker get hit so hard, both his eyeballs flew out. Pretty cool." Louis spoke up next. "I saw some have all of their intestines pulled all the way out. Like ALL the way. It goes on for a while. We got a lot of guts." It felt good playing this game with everyone, bonding over the gross stuff of this world wasn't so bad after all. We all flipped our cards over again. Violet won again. "Victory Violet." As she said that I put my hand on her shoulder and started whispering in her ear. "Ask her how she lost her finger." She looked at me with a small smile. "Ok so how did you lose your finger?" Clem looked down at her hand before looking back at me. "I lost it saving AJ from a car I set him in while hunting. He was supposed to be safe but walkers surrounded us and when I was pulling him out, a walker slammed the door shut on the finger. Tearing it right off." She was looking directly at me while saying all of this. Nodding at her as we all flipped our cards again. "I am the greatest card player of all time." Hearing Louis say this made me mentally facepalm. "Just ask your damn question." Violet piped up in response to Louis, causing me to chuckle. "Ever... Actually, nevermind." He looked at the table. Maybe it's not an easy question. "What? Ask it." All eyes were now on him. "It's not a fun question." Louis said while turning to look at Clem. "Ask." She said more sternly. "Ever had to kill someone you loved?" When this question came out of his mouth a sharp pain entered my heart. "Louis." Marlon started. "Hey, she wanted me to ask." Tears started to form in my eyes as the thought of killing Carmen entered my head. "Lee. His name was Lee." She had a long stare at the table. "It was the same day I found out my parents were dead." Violet looked surprised by Clem's answer before she looked at me. Tears leaving wet streak's down my face. She pulled me into a hug. "That... Sounds like a rough day." Violet whispered into my ear. "let's go to bed." Nodding my head in agreeance we both stood up and walked away. Entering our shared room Violet walked me over to our bed. We both layed down, her resting her head on my chest as my tears faded. Then we slowly fell asleep in each other's arms.

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