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Julie's POV

I have been walking from community to community staying on the road so I don't Jinx another community I have been traveling for days I typically watched other people loot around learn from them and when they clear out I would go in and take what they wouldn't all I had right now in my bag was 2 cans of dog food, a canteen, a crowbar and my hoodie. I'm walking through a forrest right now I just outran some people with guns in the last town I was in and I never stopped. fearing they would eventually catch up to me. I'm just now starting to walk and I can feel a sharp pain in my leg and when I look down at it I can see that I was shot in the calf. It went straight through and is bleeding so I took off my white tee shirt and rap it around the wound and make it as tight as possible for now till I can properly take care of it and continue to walk forward when suddenly I step on a unstable ledge as it breaks under my weight. I start sliding down the dirt I can't help but scream as I fall and then I remember hitting the ground and hearing a loud snap making me turn around and see that my leg hit a rock hard enough to break or fracture my shin making me scream again from the pain as I slowly feel exhaustion taking over. I see a kid with a mullet and one with dreadlocks running up to me then I finally pass out.

*2 Days Later*

I wake up in unfamiliar surroundings as I'm looking around I can see I'm in a doorm room of some kind and how I got here is a mystery the last thing I do remember is my leg being fucked up and when I go to sit up I feel a tug on my wrist as I look over I see my wrist is duck tapped to the bed so I tare the tape off and sit up to look at my leg and see it's in a makeshift splint. I look around one last time and decide I need to get out of here no matter how much pain I'm in I need to go and so I start to get up from the bed and shambled my way over to the door and open it laughing slightly at how my captors forgot to lock my room door. I started walking out as best as I can while trying not to make any sound from the pain from my legs. when I get to a set of doors I open them and walk out into what looks like a courtyard and see a bunch of kids including dreadlocks he is the first to notice me and gets everyone's attention and points towards me I don't know what he said but I didn't like how everyone was staring at me so I decided to try to run for the gate. while running one of the boys looks like he is about my age stops me.

???: Hey calm down we aren't going to hurt you.
Julie: sure is that why I was tapped to a bed?!
???: No we did that incase you turned we weren't sure if you would survive.
Julie: I still don't trust you.
???: Ok ok... My name is Mitch
Julie: Ok Mitch
Mitch: what's your name maybe I can show you around so you can feel more comfortable?
Julie: it's Julie and I don't think that's a good idea.
Dreadlocks: it is you will like it here.

Is this really a good idea I mean im a Jinx but I feel like this place is different then other communities maybe just maybe I can stay here and things will be ok. should I take the risk I mean im struggling to survive out there maybe this is for the best.

Julie: ok I'll take your tour and If I like you guys I'll stay. Deal?
Dreadlocks: Deal and my name is Louis.
Mitch: Louis I'll give her the tour so you can make sure Marlon knows she might stay.
Louis: ok Mitch but don't convince her to make a bomb. He says in a sarcastic tone.
Mitch: no promises.

With that Louis walked away and Mitch started showing me around and I met with every one and they all are pretty cool people I think I'll hangout more with Mitch and Willy since they seem to be more of the trouble makers then the others but I like Louis and Violet as well there pretty cool I really hope I don't Jinx this place as well. I spent most of the day with Mitch since he was the only one I am somewhat comfortable with helping me walk around and at the end of the day Marlon and Mitch showed me to a room and said it was all mine and that Ruby will bring me a crutch tomorrow to help me walk around with that they left me to my room and the first thing I do is get my bag and pull out my journal to log what's happening to me and to reread some of my previous logs.

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