You Spin Me 'Round

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I went home to shower and get ready for work, but also to let my parents know I was alive. They weren't upset that I hadn't come home the night before, but they were annoyed that I wouldn't tell them where I was. I would only say at a friend's house. I knew I'd eventually have to tell them about Eddie. Hell I actually wanted to tell them. But explaining Eddie Munson to the Harringtons was going to be a challenge. And I wasn't ready quite yet. Besides, I didn't really have time to go into it before I needed to be at work. Coming out to them wasn't something I wanted to do as I was flying out the door. Gotta get to work, by the way, I'm queer. I owed them more than that.

When I got to work, Robin wasn't there yet so I opened by myself. I was sitting behind the counter, reading the sports page, when she finally wandered in. She went to the back to clock in and put on her vest before joining me behind the counter. She started sorting the overnight returns and I ignored her, purposely, wanting to talk to her so badly, but holding back because I knew she was waiting for me to say something. I just wanted to torture her a little. I could see the way she kept looking over at me, waiting for me to speak. I held the newspaper up in front of my face and smirked where she couldn't see me.

We were busy that morning, lots of customers coming and going, so Robin and I never had the chance to talk once I decided to stop torturing her. Just after lunch, it slowed down and I was getting ready to spill my guts to Robin when Eddie walked in. He came up to the counter, on my side, not Robin's, and laid the movie he'd rented down, then slid it across the counter to Robin. He locked eyes with me and leaned across the counter towards me.

"Returning it already," Robin asked. "Did you like it? Did it live up to your expectations?"

"Yes, I did, and it did," he said, extending a hand to me. I stole a glance at Robin. She was watching, the videotape in her hands forgotten for the moment. I reached and slipped my hand into Eddie's. He hoisted himself up onto the counter at his waist, leaned closer to me, then kissed me, deep and hungry. "Missed you, baby."

"Missed you, too," I said. He slid back off the counter but didn't let go of my hand. He propped his other elbow on the counter and rested his chin in his hand, gazing longingly up at me.

"Whoa! Whoa! Wait," Robin shouted. "What was that?"

"It's called a kiss," I said, smirking a little bit. "Has it really been so long that you forgot what it looks like?"

"I can do it again," Eddie said. "If you need a reminder." He tugged on my hand, and we met halfway across the counter, but instead of kissing me again, he nuzzled my ear and whispered to me. "This is okay, right?"

"Yeah, babe," I answered quietly. "I was just about to tell her anyway."

I caught his mouth with mine and kissed him again. God, I loved kissing him. I couldn't get enough of his mouth. I put one hand behind his head and tangled my fingers into his hair. He fisted the front of my vest and pulled me closer.

"Fuck," he gasped. "I can't stop thinking about how good you taste."

"Gross!" Robin stuck her fingers in her ears and started singing some stupid song, something about spinning around, like a record.

"I think we've tortured her enough," I laughed against his lips.

"Think so?" He let go of me and spun across the counter to catch her arm. "Does this mean you don't want to hear about what we did when we woke up this morning? Naked? In my bed?"

I came around the counter as Robin answered. "Yuck! Are you kidding me? No one wants to hear that. Stop!"

I came up behind Eddie, wrapped an arm around his waist. He looked back up at me. "I'm going to walk him out," I told Robin, then dipped my head so my mouth was next to his ear. "I want to ask you something."

Destiny Knocking (Steddie)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ