Hopelessly Devoted To You

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For the next few weeks, Eddie and I went out every night. When I got off work, I'd pick him up and we'd either hang out at his place if his uncle wasn't home, or we'd go out to Lover's Lake and sit and talk for hours. We kissed a lot, too. I was addicted to his mouth. I couldn't stop thinking about it. So, I was glad that he liked to put his mouth on me, on my mouth, on my neck, and anywhere else I'd let him put it. I spent plenty of time with my mouth on him as well. He always tasted good, and I craved the way he tasted almost as much as I craved his mouth on me.

We didn't have sex though. Not again. I wasn't ready for that quite yet and he understood. Though I told him I was perfectly willing to give him whatever he wanted, he said it could wait until I was ready to be on the receiving end as well. So, we just used hands and mouths and we were both perfectly satisfied with that. Believe me, neither of us were lacking in the orgasm department.

On school nights, Wayne asked me to make sure to have Eddie home by ten. Although Eddie always tried to convince me to keep him out later, I never did. Though I was tempted. I hated to leave him every night. But I would call him when I got home, just to let him know I was home and to say good night. He even stopped by Family Video a couple of times a week while I was working. I scolded him for ditching school, but he just laughed. His visits probably weren't the smartest idea either because I got easily distracted when Eddie was around. And he knew it. I think he secretly enjoyed torturing me like that.

My parents asked me who I was seeing a couple of times, but my vague, noncommittal answers made it plainly obvious that I didn't want to talk about it, so they left it alone. Even though I saw the way my mom looked at me. I was happy and she could tell. Maybe the big, stupid smile I had perpetually plastered on my face gave it away. I could tell that she was just glad I was happy. I knew that I would have to tell them soon. I still didn't know how. And I was terrified of their reaction. If they took it badly, I wasn't sure I could handle that. But I finally bit the bullet. Eddie and I had been together for almost a month. It was time.

My mom and dad were having coffee in the kitchen while I got ready for work. I hurried through my shower and getting dressed. I wanted to talk to them before my dad and I both had to leave for work. When I got downstairs, they were sitting at the table in the kitchen, my dad was reading the paper and my mom was flipping through the TV Guide. I sat down at the table with them and waited. My dad looked over his paper at me and smiled, but then went back to reading. My mom looked up, not used to me joining them at the table in the mornings and could see that I had something to say. She patted my dad's arm to get his attention then motioned towards me, so he folded his paper and laid it next to his coffee cup.

"Good morning, son," he said.

"Did you need something, honey," my mom asked.

"Do you have plans Friday?" They looked at each other, my mom with a questioning look, my dad shaking his head. "Would it be okay if I invited a friend over for dinner Friday night?" I emphasized the word friend and hoped they would understand. If the smile that broke out on my mom's face was any indication, she understood perfectly.

"Of course," she gushed, reaching over and taking my hand in hers. "I can make something special."

"No, mom," I said as I squeezed her hand. "I'll cook. You don't have to do anything."

"So, we're finally going to meet the person you run off with every night?" There was a twinkle in my dad's eye. He was happy for me, too. He just hid it better than my mom.

"Are you sure I can't do anything to help?" I love my mom. She's the sweetest woman in the world and she would do anything for me.

"Would you make a chocolate cake?" I remembered that Eddie really liked it. I also remembered the frosting and had to hold back a laugh.

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