Piece of Your Action

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Fuck Eddie Munson! Who the hell did he think he was, encouraging me like that then just walking away? And fuck Tommy Hagan, too. If it weren't for him I could have at least gotten laid last night and I wouldn't be sitting here now, my dick throbbing in my pants, craving Eddie fucking Munson. And God, was I craving him. It was like an emptiness inside me, and I needed him to fill it. And I don't even mean that in a sexual way, though I'm sure that I'd do anything he asked me to do right now if I just had him in front of me, even if I had to get on my knees and beg him for it. But it was more than that. I wanted to look at him. I wanted to talk to him. I just wanted to be in his sphere of existence.

I looked over at the phone. Now I knew how all those girls felt that gave me their number over the years. I never gave them mine, so they had to wait until I was ready to call and talk to them. Some I did, a lot I didn't. Why hadn't I thought to get Eddie's number when I gave him mine? Would I even have the nerve to call him? What the hell would I say? I laughed. I knew what I'd say. I'd tell him he was a fucking tease. I'd tell him he was an asshole. But I couldn't call him and tell him those things because I didn't have his number.

Robin! Eddie and Robin were friends. I know she has his number. But would she give it to me? Not without a lot of questions, she wouldn't. When I bought weed from him, Robin was always the one who hooked us up. She'd call him then tell me where to meet him. So if I suddenly called her out of the blue and asked for Eddie's number, she'd know something was up. It wasn't that I didn't want her to know that I suddenly had this intense desire for him. Of all people, Robin would understand and not judge me. But I didn't know what this was with Eddie, so I didn't want to jinx it by talking about it or giving it a name. So I would just have to wait until he called. If he called.

A week later I still hadn't heard from Eddie. It took everything in me to not ask Robin about him at work every day. I thought about asking her to call him so I could buy some weed. I didn't need any, but she wouldn't know that. But if I could just see him, be alone with him for two minutes. I quickly nixed that idea though. How fucking desperate would that make me look? Eddie would know there was more to me wanting to see him than buying weed. And he obviously didn't want to see me. He had my number. He knew where I lived. If he wanted to see me, he'd have let me know by now. Right?

Friday night at Family Video is usually hectic. But for some reason tonight it was dead. A couple of people came in, two small families to rent Disney movies, and two guys who looked like they should be out picking up girls instead of renting weird foreign films together. Other than that, nothing.

I leaned against the counter on my elbows, my chin rested in my hands. I watched Robin bounce around the store, dusting, straightening, arranging. Some cheesy pop song was playing over the speakers in the ceiling, and she was obviously enjoying it. She'd stop every so often, strike a pose, and sing into the handle of her duster like it was a microphone. I just smiled. She was cute and I adored her. She was the best best-friend a guy could ask for.

The bell over the door jingled and I absently looked up but froze when Eddie walked in. I stood up straighter, tried to put on a neutral face and not explode when he looked me dead in the eye and smiled, gave me a quick wink, then leaned over onto the other end of the counter a few feet from me. He slid his hand across the counter, stopping inches from where I was standing, and flipped his fingers. There was a small, folded piece of paper between them. I looked down at it, then up at him. He didn't look at me, just flipped his fingers again as he called Robin's name. I took the paper, palmed it, then stepped back as Robin bounded over to the counter and jumped onto Eddie's back. He laughed, caught her legs, then spun in a circle with her piggybacking him, squealing with delight.

I stepped away as he put her down and they started talking. He was asking her about some horror movie, did we have it yet, he missed it in theaters and had been looking forward to seeing it. I turned my back, pretended like I was looking up a movie on the computer and unfolded the paper. 'Meet me out back when I leave.' I slipped the paper into my pocket and turned back to face them. He snuck a look at me out of the corner of his eye as Robin bounced off to get the movie he had asked about. When Robin turned to put his money in the register and get his change, he finally looked at me again. I'm sorry, he mouthed at me before turning his attention back to Robin. He left and I watched him drive away, then reached under the counter and grabbed the garbage can.

Destiny Knocking (Steddie)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα