Chapter 9: The Start to a New Home...

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There is Small Smg34 moment between the Neg Duo.
(If you don't like, feel free to skip this chapter!!!)


"TAKE THIS!" Meggy shouts after everyone was launched from the canon, she held out her splattershot and fired at Mario who dodged "No way!" She says as they all land on the Roof

"Mario! Stop this now! You're being very mean!" Boopkins says

"Mario doesn't know what you're talking about" Mario shrugged with "He's just helping his best friend make a New World!"

"Best Friend? New World? Just what is Neg4 Planning!?" Tari questions

"Why tell you when you'll all forget anyways?" That's when Mario jumped to attack them causing them all to Dodge

Saiko, Bob, and Meggy all jump on the attack

Luigi sat up shaking his head "G-Guys! Don't hurt him!"

"I don't know who you are" Melony pulls out her sword "But you better give us our friend back!" She also joins in on the attacking

"Guys!" Luigi calls out

"Oh... I don't there's anyway to stop it Luigi" Boopkins says

Tari nods "That's right... Whoever this is... This isn't Mario. So we have no choice but to fight back to save him...As well as Smg4..."

Of course, Luigi would be one of the one's who would know if that was his brother everyone was fighting... But something in him still believed it was him, it just had to be!

Luigi gasped seeing someone behind Tari and Boopkins "Tari! Boopkins! Look out!"

The three of them moved out of the way of red energy that was sent at them

"Aww, Luigi, you still care about your friends even here" Neg4 smiles "I always liked that about you"

"Of course I do! Who wouldn't?" Luigi stood up "Just let Mario and Smg4 go!"

"Smg4 is just in the way of my plans and must be Erased. Mario would be in the way too just to help His Best Friend, so I only temporarily needed him out of the way..." Neg4's smile faded, holding out his hand "Now it looks like you all need to be temporarily moved as well..."

He sent the Red Meme Energy at the Trio but before it could hit, Neg3 jumped in front of them and put up a shield

"Neg3!" Luigi, Boopkins, and Tari say in unison

"You're finished Neg4" Smg3 says behind Neg4, holding out his hand "It's Ten on Two, you dont stand a chance!"

"But neither did all your friends in the castle and  that was Eleven on One, and your friends were the ones who didn't stand a chance" Neg4 grinned "Now it's your turn..." He brings his hand to his Meme pouch

"3!" Neg3 put the shield down and runs to Neg4 "Don't let him get any Memes!"

Smg3 ran to him two and they both grabbed Neg4's arms and Neg4 started to struggle out of their hold

"4! Please stop this!" Neg3 begs, not letting up on his hold "Let's just go back! 1 and 2 need you!" He closed his eyes tightly "I-I need you..."

This caused Neg4 to stop struggling, but he didn't say anything

"Please... You're one of the few things I have left, 4..."

"Neg..." Smg3 says quietly, he never thought he'd hear... Himself...get so vulnerable

"3...?" Neg4 looked to his left to look at Neg3

"4! There you are!" Neg3 was starting to cry but he had a smile on his face "I thought I lost you!" He and Smg3 loosened their grip on Neg4 and Neg3 took Neg4's hand and brought his other hand to his face "Are you okay?"

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