Chapter 8

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I ran directly to my first class but I was 15 minutes too late. How can I explain that delay to my english teacher? He will never trust me! I entered slowly in the class and I sat beside Jacob. He looked at me strangely.

-Hannah, why are you late? Mr. Big said

-Hum, I had a little problem... I said

-Ok, don't be late another time please.

-Ok, I'm sorry

Our teacher name is not really Mr. Big. I don't remember his name but we call him like that because he is extremely tall. His head is at 2 cm to touch the ceiling.

-Where you were, Jacob whispered

-Hum... I was talking to Ashley...

-To Ashley? Why? He said

-Because, hum... I heard your conversation and I wanted... Hum...

-Hannah, what did you do?

-I wanted to be sure that she was ok...

-Mrs. Fields and Mr. Robinson, excuse me for interrupting your conversation, but it will be nice from you that you stop talking right now.

-Ok, sorry... We both said.

-Thank you.

We had the first test of the year and I'm sure that I will not pass. I had too much things in my head to study so, hum, I remember nothing at all. Seriously, studying is not my first priority for the moment. I don't know if will tell Jacob about the new messages that I received but I think that it's a good idea, or not. I will probably tell him because I don't want to lie to him. He is my boyfriend and he deserves to know about that.

-Hannah, Jacob said

-What bae?

-Do you understand the number 8?

-I understand nothing at all ! I didn't study with all of what happen this time. I don't know the number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and all of them. So, no I don't understand the number 8.

-Shit. He said

At the end of the period, I got out of the class, holding Jacob's hand with a big smile. Suddenly, I saw Cassy running with tears in her eyes. I think that something bad happened with Kyle. I kissed Jacob's cheek and I ran to hug her.

-Hannah... She cried

-Cassy, what happened? I said

-Kyle, he has already a girlfriend and guess who it is.


-No, Jasmine. The girl...

-The girl who is really bad, yes, I know her. But why are you crying like that?

-Because Jasmine is the girl who stole all of my boyfriends! She lives only to do that! She is such a slut! I hate her!

-Oh my god, look at who arrive with Kyle.

Jasmine and Kyle walked confidentially in the corridor, holding each other hand. It's really sad for Cassy because she is really in love with him and for one day she could have a boyfriend. I never thought that Jasmine was bad like this. People at my school are not really nice. A lot are bad and solitaire. It's not really great to talk with them and I think that it would never change. I just have one year left at school and I didn't even decided what I want to do in my life. I thought of being designer for the clothes of stars because I think that I am really creative and I have a nice style. When I draw, I normally only draw dresses or clothes. It's my speciality and I think that it's a good start if I want to be designer.

At lunch, I ate with Cassy and Jacob at a table and I heard that Justin is doing a party this weekend and that every single person is invited. I think that it's not a good idea if I go there and I don't think that I would be accepted...

-Do you go at the party? I asked both of them.

-Yes, sure. Said Cassy. And you are coming with me my little girl.

-Me too, said Jack

-I'm not sure that it's a good idea... It's going to be at Justin's house and he is not my best friend. He is bad with me and I want to avoid him the most that I can.

-Han, you need to come! It's a good way to restart being somebody accepted! Come please! Said Cassy

-Babe, if you come, I come and you can be sure that I will protect you all of the party.

-Ok, I will maybe come...

Jacob took me by the hips and he kissed me on the lips! I know it's strange but we didn't kiss each other on our lips. He was too cute! I need to mention that he not only kissed me for 2 seconds but maybe for like 1 minutes! It was one of the best moment of my life. His kiss was magical and I want more! I think that I will not be able to wait a long time until we will start the true love's actions. He is irresistible.

-Hum hum, said Cassy

Jacob and I smiled

-Can we continue our conversation or you will continue to kiss you all of the time?

-Euh, we will continue to kiss, I said


-No, I'm just kidding.


We continue to talk at the lunch and after we continue the day normally. Nothing special happened and tomorrow it's the famous Justin's party. I hope that it's going to be a cool party without any shit, but I can't be sure of that.

I will never forget the error that I just did.

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