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Hey guys! I wanted to explain myself why I didn't post any chapters since two weeks. The only reason is because I was in vacations and I didn't have time at all to write any chapters. I'm really sorry for this and as you may noticed, I post the chapter 13. I hope that you like my story for the beggining and I hope that you are all going to continue reading it. I also wanted to say, don't be shy of writing comments! Votes and comments are nice...! If you have any ideas for the story you can say them in comments and I will maybe include them in my story. 

I also wanted you to know that the story is really not finish and that I think about writing a second book after finishing this one. I also wanted to say thank you for all of those views! 700 hundred, wow! I didn't think at all to have all of these views. I know that it's not a lot for some people, but for me it's incredible! Thank you so much and have a good day or night!

Léane -xx

Never forgetМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя