Chapter 16

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Point of view Jacob

-It's been a long time that she left... Cassy said.

-Yeah but I don't think that she has a problem. She is a big girl, she just wanted to run a lot... I said

-Yes I know but 45 minutes! She can't run all of this time with her leg, she already has difficulty walking so imagine running...

-You're right, it's abnormal. But maybe she just decided to walk or to take a little break... I said

-Hannah will never do this, when she has a goal, she never stops. Something happened and I'm sure that if we are not taking this seriously, it's going to be worse!

-Ok, let's go take a look of what Hannah's doing.

-Yeah, good idea, papy. She said

-Hahahaha, you are so funny, but it's not the good moment to tell jokes...

-Woah, I thought that it was you that was not taking this seriously...

-Yes but I just realized what could happened to her and anyway, let's go. I said

-Ok, sorry. She said

-No that's ok.

She looked at me and she did a little smile.

We downed the stairs and Cassy's mother was looking at us really strangely.

-What are you doing honey? Why are you running like that ? Ramona said

-We are going to look for Hannah, because it's been a long time that she left and we want to know if she is alright.

-Ok, I'm coming with you. I don't want her to have problems. Ramona said

-Ok mom, we don't want too. she said

Cassy's started to have tears in her eyes.

-Oh no baby, don't cry, she is going to be alright. Ramona said.

-I, I know bbbut I donn't waaannt to loose her...

-You're not, but let's go!

I was looking at the scene, without saying one word. It was sad, really. It's not the first time that I see Cassy crying, but she is pitiful...

They came to me and we closed the door. We started to walk to the right side. It's not a long street but there is a lot of streets across this one. After 3 minutes, there was no sign of Hannah.

-Where is she!!!??? I said

-I don't know but I want to find her right now! Cassy said

-Yes me too. Ramona said


There was no answer.

-Shit shit shit shit shit! Cassy said

-Relax honey, we are going to find her, I swear it to you. Her mom said


We continue to look for 10 minutes but we didn't find her. We were all scared of not finding Hannah, babe... I don't want to lose her, she is my reason of living and I don't want something bad to happen to her. She lived enough hard things last year and this year. She is fragile and I know that she is not happy, really not. I do everything to make her feel good but she doesn't appreciate that. She is always thinking about those things that happened and oh my god, if I see one day the famous William, I am going to kill him! He ruined her life and every single moment that we could have together. And this day, the October 5 2015, I thought that I lost my Hannah, my girlfriend, my love, because of him, motherfucker.

We continue walking even if we had no more hope or close. At this moment, Cassy was crying really loud. It was late, 9:00 p.m.. Nobody was in the streets, so no one had see her, it's what we think.

We were close to give up and then, we finally find her. My baby was bad looking... Really...

-Oh my god! I found her! Cassy said

-Shit, where!? I said

-Right there, follow me! She said

I saw her. She was lengthened on the ground. She had blood on her. It was a nightmare to see her in this position. We all run to her. Cassy was crying like a baby. A sad baby, a worrying baby. We arrived to her.

-Oh my god Hannah Hannah! I yelled

-Help! Help! Help! Ramona yelled

-Hannah! Wake up Hannah! We need help! Call the 911! Oh my gosh! She is full of blood and she doesn't wake up! Help! Help! Cassy cried

-I call it, Ramona said. It's going to be ok honey, breathe two seconds for me.

-No no, she is not! She is breathing but not a lot ! Oh my god! Aaaaaaa! Cassy answered.

I took her in my arms and I hold her strongly. It had nothing to do for Hannah, except waiting for the ambulance. She was crying and I was holding my tears. Ramona was looking at Hannah with fears in her face.

After 10 minutes of wait, the ambulance finally arrived. They got out of the car fast. They also asked us a little bit of questions.

-For how much time is she here? The first man asked.

-We don't know, we found her here and we didn't move her or even touch her. We think that she hit her head on this rock. I said

-Yeah, we saw that. We are going to bring her at the hospital right now. If you can please go away from her.

-Her name is Hannah, Hannah Fields. Ramona said

-Ok thank you for this information.

Point of view Hannah

I heard a sound, my eyes were able to open a little bit but not more than that. I was hurting and incapable to move. I was immobile on the ground and the only thing that I heard was my name. They were all thinking that I was waking up but no, because after my eyes closed and it was like before, I heard no sound at all, not at all.

I will never forget this little moment when I heard my name and when I had the hope to find my life back on, with my friends. Yes, my friends.

Never forgetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora