Chapter 64. SEA SALT.

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I think this might be the most incompetently stupid situation I've gotten myself in. A bit presumptuous I can't dig myself into something worse but close enough none the less.

Just listen to the Head Gamemaker, be complient, and recruit Johanna and Finnick along into this bargain with no return. Easy right?

She didn't trust Plutarch, but there she was, making her way back to Victor's Village with an escape plan out of District 8 to Finnick's doorstep, then Johanna's. Edith and the other Victors were paranoid over secret cameras in rooms untouched by anyone but themselves, and she was excepting Plutarch's job to sneak across the country and back?

"I think I've lost my mind," Edith stated quite plainly once she opened Woof's front door.

Despite the dusk air, he left it unlocked, knowing she'd turn up at some point to apologise for bailing on their plans.

"Pray tell why?" Woof grumbled, noticing her blank expression.

Edith just sat opposite him at the dinner table.

"I think I've found a way we can both survive."

Woof sat back in his chair, "He called you back?"

Edith nodded, "The revolution is beginning early. Apparently... he couldn't convince Snow to not change the Quell rule, so he went along with it. Now, he wants the chosen tributes to join forces with District 13 to keep Katniss and Peeta alive long enough for 13's forces to bail them out. That's our ticket. We help Katniss and Peeta stay alive, we go with them to thirteen around half way through the Games. Once I get Jo and Finnick on board, Plutarch and Coin should be thankful enough to also sort out transport for Cecelia and our families during the Games-"

"Woah what, hold on now. Johanna and Finnick? How are you 'recruiting' them?"

He gave her a warning glance, his grey brows furrowed. Edith felt as if every word she spoke was sharply cerated.

Edith paused, "I am leaving, tonight. 3am."

"On train?" Woof guessed.

She nodded, mouth dry. "I'll have an hour in 4 and two in 7, its a fast train, I'll be back in 48 hours-"

"What? In first class? Come on Ed, how well thought out is this plan of theirs, how could you get there and back without being seen? You could be shot, caught, tortured. This revolution could end here with you if found. Stars kid, you shouldn't even be telling me this. Hitch-hiking across Panem. Plutarch just wants to see how desperate you are."

Edith shook her head, feeling a weight hit her in the gut, "You think I dont know that?! I'm going out there tonight without telling anyone but you Woof, what if something does happen and I dont see any of them again, and I screw up this revolution? Now we've both said it, maybe I shouldn't have told you-"

"You're not saying goodbye to the rest of them?" Woof accused.

"I will get changed and collect what I need for the next few days, but that is it."

Wood scoffed, "You'll be needing food and you will have to walk through the house in all black and most likely a bandanna around your face- you need to let them know Edith, or figure out a way to lie-"

Defeated, she shook her head. He stopped, letting her speak. She knew this plan was stupid.

"Look I don't know what this is Woof. Plutarch has given me a test. That's clear enough. I just don't know if he wants me dead or wants me afraid for Panem and not my own skin and all of you. It all feels so impossible. Maybe it's meant to be. I just can't live with myself if I dont try to get us out of the mess we are in."

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