"Now you've said it Lia, that brings us to our current suspect...Ethan Landry, the shy, dorky guy who no one suspects at least besides Lia, but she doesn't count." I shake my head looking down knowing what she meant there, I know they still don't like me and most defenitely don't trust me. "Okay wait, why am I on the suspect list? Just because i'm randomly Chad's roommate?" Ethan asked as he looks over at Chad and back to Mindy. 

"Roommate lotteries can be juked, you could've fixed it to get next to us." Ethan rolled his eyes before Mindy moved on from him over to Quinn. "Quinn, The slutty roommate, the horror movie classic." 

"Sex positive... But thank you." Quinn said before Mindy went on. "Mhm, so how did you come to live with Sam and Tara?" Mindy asked the girl as she starts to look over at Sam and Tara. "I answered their add online." Quinn said being cut off by Mindy holding up her hand. "Okay, say no more. you've already implicated yourself enough!" Mindy says making me scuff. "I answered their online add, there aint nothing wrong with that." I say offended and also trying to help Quinn. 

"And finally Anika." Mindy says as she steps closer to Anika and blows a kiss at her. "Never trust the love interest." Mindy says making Anika's face fall. "Okay, so we have our rules and we have our suspects." Sam started but got cut off by Ethan. "Wait, wait, what about you guys." He says which I can kinda understand, cause to be fair I only trust like half this friendgroup. "I think it's pretty safe to rule out the four of us who went through this last year in woodsboro." Said crossing her arms and I shake my head at her. 

"Um not agreed, what if the trauma you all went through caused one or more of you to snap." Quinn said which Ethan started to go farther with. "Yeah or the fame you got from the killing made your blood thirsty for more, I mean let's be honest here. There are some theories online about Sam that are-" Which Tara cut him off for "Don't you fucking dare." She said 

"And Lia no offense but your sister-" Ethan started again before I shut him up again "Take her name out of your fucking mouth, fuck head!" I say angrily whilst standing up, walking away and I could still hear them talking. "He's not wrong guys, You know what happened last time she isn't exactly innocent either." Chad Said making me more angry than ever. 

I was about to turn a corner when someone grabs ahold of my shoulder making me jump up. "Jeez, Tara. Don't fucking scare me like that." I say as she knows not to come up on me like that, she always scares me like that and I hate it. "You know I don't believe you're a killer, Right? But you can't really blame them for not trusting you, Your sister almost killed them." As she says this tears start falling down my cheeks. "I know that and I know i've made mistakes, but i'd do it all again for you. I tried everything I could to get them to trust me again, I did." I started crying even more. "I can't do this anymore, okay? I can't go into a room with you guys only for them to constantly remind me of what I did."

"It makes me feel so damn guilty that I wanted to kill myself, I know i'll never be able to turn back time. I know it very well." I say to her wanting to walk away from her when she speaks up again. "I'm sorry you feel that way, but please don't go on your own. We have to stay together and I need to know you'll be safe, so please just come with me." Tara asked me taking my hand in hers. "fine, but only because I don't feel like dying." I tell her and I could see her smile.


Tara and I arrived at her and sams appartment when we walk in I see the others also there. I see them all looking at me and I give a small smile before setting next to Anika on the couch. "Is Brooke not here?" I ask Anika as I don't see her here. "She's at home, she didn't feel like coming." As Anika tells me this her girlfriend comes to sit next to her putting her arm around her. "Suspicious!" Mindy yells

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