Chapter 71 - 80

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ʚChapter 71 Lv.71

    ◎It must be good at dissecting ancient creatures. ◎

    Actually, when the little dragon cub was sent to the Hope Base at the beginning, most of the base members were interested in it as a novelty.

    Please, this is Longye!

    It's not a plush toy, it's not the kind that only moves when a battery is installed, it's a real dragon!

    Very cool!

    In the beginning, Xiaolong’s audience was only the women at the base. After all, who doesn’t love such a soft, non-aggressive, yawning, begging dragon?

    Until late one night, the female supernatural being on duty at night heard a rustling sound. At first she thought it was zombies invading during the night, so she quickly woke up the little sisters who took the next shift to check together. They followed The voice found the scene of the crime.


    Under the cold flashlight, several male members of the base are nestling in a small room, some are holding dragons in their hands, some are holding dragon tails in their hands, and some are teasing with precious food in their hands. dragon.

    It, the dragon cub, had already taken the men down.

    Since then, the task of looking after the little dragon cub has been snatched away by men who don't care about face at all, Fang Yichu is the main one among them.

    Sharp deciduous teeth, not-so-smooth skin, sharp four claws, and well-articulated wings, this is the romance of a man. Fang Yichu fondled the little dragon cub's fleshy chin with one end, and fantasized about himself being the savior riding a dragon to fight against demons at the other end.

    He had a good dream, but he didn't know that only a big enough dragon could be ridden by the savior, and the savior also had the courage to raise a giant dragon.

    Now that the "dragon" is getting closer and closer to the real dragon, the savior shrinks back.

    Fang Yichuduo wished that he hadn’t taken over the custody of the little dragon cub so complacently. Now that it’s getting bigger and bigger, it’s not that it’s aggressive, it’s probably because of what the deer shopkeeper told it, it’s still relatively docile to people , but since its size has grown rapidly, its food intake has also increased greatly. If it hadn't fallen into a deep sleep most of the time now, it would definitely consume more food.

    What if it gets enough sleep one day and finally starts consuming more food?

    Even if the food left by the deer store owner is definitely not enough (probably because she knows the appetite of the little dragon cub, she really left a lot), this time Fang Yichu will secretly blame the deer store owner for not being thoughtful, you say The place where the deer owner lives must be a fairyland, or at least it is a peaceful age, but what are they? It's the end of the world for them, hasn't she thought about what will happen to the dragon if something unexpected happens and she doesn't have enough food to save?

    You can't let it eat zombies, can you?

    God knows if gnawing on that thing will infect and mutate into a zombie dragon, if so, they won't be able to stand it.

    Lu Xiaoxiao really thought about it. After all, for this apocalyptic world, she couldn't decide when to come, so the food left behind was three times the original 15-day ration of the little dragon cub, that is to say, these rations could last at least one and a half months.

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