Death and Destruction

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Alfred stared over at Gilbert, running over to the couch and staring at the television. All he saw when he looked at the screen was red.

Lots of red.

More red than he had ever seen, even in his nightmare.

Ivan was dead. Very much dead. His throat was slit, blood dried on his tan coat. An image of a bear was cut into the Russian's stomach and face, a Glasgow smile ripped into his face, a permanent smile, always going to be there to greet whoever he met where he was at or going. Alfred heard that when you die, when you get to wherever you're going, you still have all of your injuries you received in your physical life. But he to god that his injuries would heal.

He looked to Gilbert, who was crying and shaking like a mad man. He put an arm around the albino, who promptly hugged him tightly, crying into the American's chest. Alfred put a hand on Gilbert's head, stroking his hair and petting him. "Sh... Gilbert, it's okay..." He tried to calm him down, but it wasn't working. He looked back at the screen, seeing the bear. Why in the hell would there be a bear cut in his body...?


No. That couldn't happen. Dead people couldn't come back and kill people.

Could they?

He shook his head, going back to Gilbert and calming him down, putting a blanket around him. He lay the German down, going to the kitchen to grab a soda. How in the world could this be happening? My life is just starting back up, and now... Tears flowed down his face, Alfred's knees giving out. He slid down to the ground, his hands covering his face. Who could have possibly done this to poor Ivan...? He opened the soda, taking a sip and wiping the tears from his face, leaning on the kitchen table and sighing. He knew that the Russian's younger and older sisters must be heart broken, especially his younger sister. Natasha was a little... Let's just say over protective? He would have to check on her later.

But, right now, Alfred's main priority was Gilbert.

-To Be Continued

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