Bleeding Hearts

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Elenor's POV:

Holding onto the one thing that kept me steady, the Captain led me to the back of the ship. He leaned over the gold-painted railing with ease and calmness, staring out into the sea. His arm was firm in my fingers, his breathing steady and his expression remedying my anxiety. I turned to stare down at the billowing waves below us, their movements rhythmic and hypnotizing. I tried to picture what would happen when my father met with him again. Their reunion could go in multiple different directions, either good or bad. I tried to focus on the good, wondering what it would be like if my father were to accept the Captain's heroic deeds to save me.

"What will you do if my father accepts you?" I asked, quietly, still focusing on the water below us. I could feel his eyes on me and heard him inhale deeply.

"The dream would be to be welcomed back into the navy," he said in a mild tone, "To be at sea for as long as my body will allow me." I turned to look at him as he spoke, his eyes serious, the crow's feet at the corners showing as he squinted through the sun. The wind blew through his wavy hair, revealing glimmers of gold hanging from his earlobes. My heart sunk at his seriousness. I couldn't imagine losing him to the sea again. I would not know if he were safe or when he would return. I had not considered this option. I could feel the back of my throat start to burn as my emotions began to painfully arise again. I searched his eyes, trying to memorize the sight of him, preparing myself for the inevitable of him leaving me.

"What is it?" he asked cautiously. I tried to gulp down my feelings so as not to spill over into tears yet again. I needed to face the reality. The sea was his life, his dream, and his future.

"I will miss you so," I finally voiced, leaning my head against his shoulder, unable to look into his eyes any longer. My heart ached, tired from heartbreak after heartbreak. I did not want to lose him as I had just lost Sam. It seemed although they were with me again, they were farther than they had ever been before. This was worse and more painful than their deaths. Although they were alive, it would never be the same.

"I would give it all up if you asked me to," he suddenly said, surprising me greatly. I looked up at him quickly, trying to sniffle back any evidence of my sorrow.

"I could never ask you to give it up. I know it means too much to you," I responded, true in my words. He gazed at me with great softness and gently pushed back stray hairs from my eyes.

"But I would give it up if it meant being closer to you," he reiterated, his deep brown eyes shining hints of dark honey in the sunlight. I tried searching for answers, only finding genuine truthfulness.

"What will you do, if not be at sea?" I asked, knowing full well of his attachment to the open ocean.

"Hmm," he hummed, the corners of his lips turning up, "I suppose I could take up fishing," he said cheerfully, the image of it dancing in my head. "Or at least a home right next to the beach. And I would like to see my sister again, at least once before moving on. If I move on." I smiled at him, relieved at the excitement dripping out of his tone.

"Mmm," I chuckled and nodded, approving of his optional plan, "I could see that, but I know the land cannot keep you," I said, still acknowledging the inevitable. He watched me as I reached for his hand, gently opening his palm with my fingers. I brushed my fingertips over his rough skin, admiring the obviousness of the work in his hands. Perfectly formed callouses were found in the places only a sailor would have them. The texture difference between the callouses and the warm, soft skin in the center of his palm enchanted me; the simple evidence of his true character. I hoped that my father would see the side of him that I knew and that one day the Captain would share it with all the world. "What if my father does not pardon you?" I pondered out loud, still marveling at the feeling of his hand in mine. He slowly clasped his hand around my fingers and brought the back of my hand up to his lips, gently kissing my skin. My heart warmed at the action, sending all thoughts of worry away. He smiled at me, his expression pouring out a plead to trust him. I did trust him.

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