Chapter Five: "It's Just Who We Are"

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Sean couldn't believe Dark's own words. Clinging to him, he waited until Dark had carried him out into the hall, before asking quietly. "Dark, maybe you shouldn't upset her..." Dark didn't stop walking. Allowing Mammon's voice to fill the hall as he snapped out to someone. "You're just letting him go?! Did you not hear what he just said to you of all people?!" Sean lifted his head from Dark's neck to look at the doorway to the war room. It did feel odd, until Dark finally answered under his breath. "She knows I'm right. You won't be any safer in her care. I don't know what she's going to do... but I don't care. I didn't go out of my way to find you just to lose you again." Hugging Dark, Sean smiled at his words. He thought about telling Dark that he could walk on his own, but kind of enjoyed how protective Dark was over him. Heading back to the car, Dark finally put him down and let him climb back in. Slipping into the car, Sean reluctantly removed an inhaler and took an intake of it. His lungs had been feeling a little tight and he hoped to deter an attack. Dark shifted the car, driving out of the castle's underbelly and out onto the road. Adjusting in the seat to look at him, Sean nervously said. "So... They are... an interesting bunch of demons."

Dark huffed, then nearly ran another car off the highway as he merged on. Gripping the seat and dash in a sudden death grip, Sean winced out timidly. "Dark...? I know you're upset... but please try not to kill us." Dark exhaled calmly, until the other driver rode up beside him and flicked him off while uttering something in a language Sean didn't understand. Dark's hand gripped the wheel tight, while his other lazily draped outside the car door. The demon floored his car and Dark watched with narrowed eyes. Sean softly called his name, seconds before loud 'BANGS' filled the air. The speeding car's tires exploded into white flames before the car smashed into the highway divide and split down the center with a sickening metallic crunch that squealed as metal scraped metal. Passing the car without a second thought, Dark pulled his hand back into the car and asked Sean so calmly. "I'm not upset. Believe it or not things went my way. Why are you looking at me like that?" Sean forced himself to relax, then shrugged out. "I just... I thought you were pissed." Dark pointed back to the crushed car, chuckling out. "With him sure. The jackass almost scratched my car. Then had the nerve to tell me how to get out of his way. He was the one that didn't know how to change lanes during a merge. So, I got him off the road... permanently."

Shaking his head, Sean chuckled out. "I'd hate to of seen what you'd do to him if he had scratched it." Dark smirked, placing a hand on Sean's thigh. Closing his eyes, Sean stroked the back of Dark's hand, enjoying how it squeezed him. When Dark lifted his fingers to let Sean's fingers slide between his, he told Sean sweetly. "I hope the Dominion didn't scare you." Sighing, Sean opened his eyes to honestly admit. "They unsettle me and that is the point, I guess. But... I'm more afraid of what they said about me... about you." Dark's fingers curled protectively around his, upon telling him. "They won't hurt you. Not as long as I breathe." Lifting Dark's hand, Sean kissed his palm, before informing him. "That's not it. Dark... They want Anti to merge with me. They don't want you uniting with him... but you said that back in day that you and Anti were-" Dark tapped his fingers on the wheel, interjecting nicely. "That was centuries ago. Long before the Dominion existed. Khaos hadn't created the nine realms then. She only made them after her sister made light and tore pieces of us to make your kind. We retreated to the realms to survive. The strongest of the demons forming the Dominion in order to stop the constant infighting. By that point, Anti and I were not lovers and certainly not friends..."

Sean couldn't help squeezing his hand as he reluctantly let slip. "But you wanted to be. You missed him..." Dark glanced at him, before telling him so beautifully. "I missed part of him. Your part of him." Sean bit his lip, trying not to say it but it escaped his lips when he said. "If we merged... you could learn to love his other side too. You and Mark seem... whole." Dark suddenly pulled off the road and along what looked like a farm field with grapevines that sparked with electricity. Facing him, Dark told him in a voice so caring. "Sean. The demon side is always the more dominate side. Anything Mark was has adapted back to me to make ME whole. The same would happen to you if you merged with him. Maybe I would learn to love him again... but only because I would be searching for YOU." Reaching out, Dark cupped his cheek and pulled him closer. His warm breath puffing over Sean's lips when he whispered to him in a deep buttery voice. "I have never been happier than when I am with you." Pressing his lips to Dark's, Sean savored the warmth and tenderness of them. When he pulled away, Dark purred to him. "I better get you to my realm... before you make me do something... indecent for a prince." Sean giggled, a light blush warming his cheeks.

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