Chapter Eighteen - Playful Moments

Start from the beginning


The two as the song picked back up - Shuichi started playfully teasing Kokichi with the song instead, pointing at them at certain points which stunned the supreme leader greatly. They eventually realised when a specific line came up, and they were embarrassed and frustrated that it took them this long.

"W-Wait! My dick is not–" Kokichi started stuttering, only for Shuichi to just pull them into a warm embrace and started kissing them as passionately as possible. The supreme leader felt their face go bright red in an instant as they continued to look at the emo boy in front of them. The detective just chuckled as they took Kokichi's phone and turned the music off.

"You can now continue getting sorted now Lil' Grape - I should be good for now." He reassured the grape, before leaving the bedroom to head downstairs.

This left Kokichi enough time to rush over to the bedside table and open up the D.I.C.E memories box and ponder whether they should take the small black box out and do it today.

"If I do it today..." Kokichi started talking to themself, " will get it out of the way!" They cheered at first, before the cheer turned into doubt. "No... I don't want to do it at a work event!" They grunted as they started holding the box in their own hand and sighed. As they were about to place the box back into the box, there was a sudden sound of a thud and crash from downstairs, earning a shout from Kokichi,

"SHUICHI!?" Their own shout caused them to drop the box back into the memories box. The supreme leader just grumbled, as Shuichi's safety was top priority at the moment - so the grape managed to hide the small box back into where it was, and rushed down to see what happened.

Once Kokichi got downstairs, they noticed a broken decorative plate on the floor that escaped from the living room. The plate was just a simple plate from one of their first few dates with Shuichi, so it meant a lot to them both. Now it's broken.

As the supreme leader walked into the direction of where the plate came from–

"SHUICHI!?" Kokichi shrieked in shock and panic, facing the detective who just tripped and fell over some wiring left in the open by the grape accidentally. There were a few scrapes and such, but the detective looked quite disorientated from what just happened.

"A-Are you okay?!" Kokichi continued to panic as they then rushed over towards their beloved blueberry to help them off of the floor - only to hear a wince as they gripped onto his arm.

"I– Gh..." Shuichi tried to speak, to attempt and calm the grape down - but he couldn't. The pain was unbearable in his dominant arm. He then spoke again eventually, "...I will be okay... Although I-I think it's- Gh... b-badly bruised..." The detective spoke through the pain, but he wasn't sure.

"...Shuichi we need to take you to the hospital... but this will mean that people will find out your..." The grape then brought up slowly and steadily - and despite everything, it only caused the detective's heart to beat faster from the anxiety of it all. 

Kokichi seemed to have noticed and pushed their own panic to the side and gently hugged him carefully to try and not do any further damage in case it was anything serious. They didn't want the poor detective to be in any further pain.

Kokichi knew that the detective was debating on telling everyone about the pregnancy sometime this week, but probably not in this manner. Every time something goes wrong and sets things to happen sooner than expected, the detective freaks the fuck out and goes into full panic mode. 

The supreme leader could often calm him down, but... sometimes it's so bad, that the only thing you CAN do - is basically just be there just in case you could do something to help. Thankfully, the first option was the victor, but Shuichi HAD to be stubborn and spoke with a nervous stutter,

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