Chapter 9: The fun begins

Start from the beginning

Y/n: But that's the reason why the A.S.T is coming ater the spirits. Because they were afraid of us and if we attack them, they just going to attack us back.

Kurumi: (smirk) You sounded like you care to these humans. Silly but I love your heroic side of you, makes us want to have fun with you even more.

Y/n: Us?

Then immediately he moved out of the way when Jun and Emica try to jump at him from behind but missed. Y/n moves back and then summon his sword and then turn to Kurumi.

Y/n: You join with them?

Jun: (smirk) We agree to have some fun with you and maybe get our revenge. Me and Emica's revenge.

Emica: You have no match against us.

Y/n: Wanna bet?

Jun: (smirk) Yeah but first, Kurumi.

Kurumi nodes and cast a red bubble all over the school, making everyone in the school to fall unconscious as they are seen laying on the floor which Y/n looks out of the roof to see this.

Y/n: What did you do to them?!

Kurumi: (smirk) Don't worry darling they are not dead. They're just unconscious and can't move as long I'm around.

Jun: (smirk) Plus it make things far more fun.

Emica: So are you ready to see that your truly are the god spirit?

With no choice he immediately transformed into his spirit armor and ready his sword and then said to them.

With no choice he immediately transformed into his spirit armor and ready his sword and then said to them

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Y/n: Let's dance then.


We see Tohka grabbing hold of something as she feel like something is pulling her down as she look around to see every student is unconscious.

Tohka: (thought) What is this? Why do I feel like heavyweight is on me or something? What going on?

???: Tohka!

Then Origami rushes over wearing her A.S.T armor and rushing over to Tohka.

Origami: What happened?

Tohka: I don't know. Everything was normal for a second then all of a sudden I feel heavy and everyone just drop onto the floor and unconscious.

Origami: This must of a work of a spirit.

Then suddenly there was a shake above them as the two look up and realised there is a battle going on up there.

Tohka: Quick! We have to help out Y/n! He could be endanger!

Origami: We?

Tohka: Yes! I know you don't like spirits but do you rather face the threat alone or not.

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