just a costume (a.f.)

Start from the beginning

Your skill and competitive spirit kept everyone on their toes. Cheers erupted whenever you two flawlessly executed a difficult shot, and the group couldn't help but revel in the joy of your collective friendship.

Hours flew by in a whirlwind of friendly competition and shared moments. The game reached its climax, with you and Mindy vying for the winning shot. With a steady hand and unyielding determination, you sunk the final ball, securing your victory.

"Aww, come on!" Mindy flipped as you won the game.

The pub erupted in applause, and the friends gathered around you, congratulating you on your well-deserved win.

Mindy, though competitive, beamed with genuine pride for her friend's achievement, momentarily setting aside her competitive nature.

"Good match, Y/L/N," Mindy said as she came over to dab you up.

"Likewise, Meeks."

The summer had come and gone, but memories of Liv's brief fling with Vince still lingered in the back of her mind. She tried to enjoy herself with everyone also having fun. But her unexpected encounter earlier with Vince was still replaying in her head.

As their laughter started to fade out, unaware that Vince had been keeping tabs on her whereabouts. Just as the group was engrossed in starting another round where Mindy was going to totally kick your ass this time, Vince strolled into the pub, his eyes fixated on Liv.

Amber, with her keen eye for drama, noticed Vince's arrival first and nudged Chad discreetly. The stone cold look on her face revealed that she could smell trouble from a mile away.

Chad, ever protective of his friends, rose from his seat and approached Vince before he could reach their tables.


"Hey there, buddy. Can I help you with something?" Chad's tone carried a clear warning.

Vince, undeterred, smirked and looked past Chad, his gaze fixated on Liv. He wore a cold, determined expression.

"Actually, I was hoping to catch up with Liv and maybe get to know her friend over there," he said, gesturing towards you.

Your eyebrows furrowed, and a sense of unease washed over you. You did not know this man at all and why you had caught his interest. You shifted your gaze between him and Liv.

It was clear that Vince had ill intentions, attempting to cause trouble by exploiting Liv's past and stirring up jealousy among the group.

Amber, was not to keen on his words, trying to hold herself back before she would split his jaw open. She held onto your hand tightly, prepared to protect her girlfriend at all costs.

Chad's protective instincts kicked into high gear. With a firm resolve, he stepped between Vince and everyone else, creating a barrier.

"Liv and Y/N aren't interested in whatever the fuck you're offering."

"Was I talking to you?" Vince venomously sneered.

But the way his eyes had to adjust to Chad's height made him falter. Compared to Chad, he was a skinny little twink.

"I don't care who you're talking to," Chad barked back, puffing out his chest to appear intimidating.

Mindy, never one to shy away from confrontation, stood up beside Chad, ready to defend her brother as well. She crossed her arms, her own way of looking menacing.

"Take a hint, creep-o, no one wants you here."

Aways quick-witted, Mindy added fuel to the fire.

"Besides, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to mess with us. We can come up with creative ways to make your life miserable if we have to."

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