favorite daughter (m.f.)

Start from the beginning

In the evening, the sun began to set, casting a warm glow into Max's room. The group settled in a circle on the floor again, and you shared some of your favorite childhood memories. It was a nice experience to have with your friends.

As the night approached, you decided to watch a movie together. Max let you choose, and you settled on a classic comedy that had us in fits of laughter. Hopefully, Max's mood would be uplifted.

Wrapped in blankets, surrounded by good company, and sharing snacks, it was a perfect way to end the day. You and Max ended up snuggled on her bed while watching the movie. Max did feel much better that she had you by her side.

As you were engrossed in laughter and camaraderie, the door to Max's room creaked open, and her mom, Sam, walked in.

The room fell silent as you all turned our attention to her. Sam was a warm and caring woman, but she had a no-nonsense demeanor, and you knew better than to mess around when she was in one of her moods. Seeing the mess in Max's room only worsened it.

"Hey, guys," Sam greeted us with a smile, but her annoyance was evident in the way she narrowed her eyes at the room's disarray.
"Having fun, I see."

Max, always the bold one, turned to her mom and asked, "Mom, could you make us some food?"

Sam's annoyance seemed to intensify, and you could see Max's friends exchanging nervous glances. Before Sam could respond, you interjected, trying to diffuse the situation. "Actually, Sam, we can take care of it. We don't want to trouble you."

Sam's expression softened slightly as she looked at you, appreciating your attempt to handle the situation maturely.

"Well, I suppose that would be better," she replied, still looking a bit irritated.
"But clean up this room first, and then I'll consider making you all something."

Max's face turned slightly red, realizing that the state of her room wasn't going to help her case.

"Whatever. It's not even dirty, mom," she shot back.

As Sam left the room, you turned to Max with a gentle scolding tone. "Give Sam a break, Max. She works really hard,"

Max nodded, a hint of remorse in her eyes.

"You're right, sorry about that. I guess this weed is just making me weird."
She shuddered right after.

Liam let out a cloud of smoke before picking his head up to look over at Max.

"Nah, dude. You're just twitchy."

You both stared at each other, giving each other a look of questioning before looking back at a relaxed Liam.

Shrugging off whatever he meant, you placed a hand on Max's shoulder, offering a smile.

"It's okay," you reassured her, giving her a reassuring pat on.

"Let's clean up quickly, and then we can whip up something delicious together."

With newfound determination, you all pitched in to tidy up Max's room. It didn't take long, as you had plenty of helping hands. You also kind of bossed everyone around.

Once the room was looking presentable, the group ventured downstairs to the kitchen. Sam was already there, preparing some ingredients for a meal.

"We cleaned up the room, Sam," you informed her as you entered the kitchen.

Max sat down at the table with the rest joining while you went up to the counter. She pouted when you ended up not joining her.

Sam smiled appreciatively.

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