behind the scenes (m.m.)

Start from the beginning

"I hope I do well."

Mikey looked so approachable, you just had the urge to admit that to her. And she took it lightly with a smile.

"You're gonna be amazing. And I'll try to be the best on-screen girlfriend you ever had." Mikey laughed, flashing you another smile.

When she smiled, her eyes lit up, twinkling with a hint of mischief and genuine delight.

Her laughter accompanied with a smile filled the air with a contagious happiness that was impossible to resist. And you had to smile along with her, still inevitably bashful.

"Come on, let me introduce you to everyone."

She placed her hand at your lower back, making you jump in surprise.

Mikey saw your expression and removed her hand so that her other ones was extended out as if to lead the way.

She took notice of her easily comfortable she got with you and yo two barely met. She could see your nerves from a mile away and mentally scolded herself for seemingly being too touchy with you.

You threw her another sheepish smile and walked over to the group of actors mingling at the table, talking amongst themselves.

When they spotted you with Mikey, they all kind of stared, making you self conscious.

"Guys, this is Y/N."

"Hi, sorry. I'm a bit late." You waved.

"It's all good. You like making grand entrances," a tall dude with curly highlights joked.

He placed his hand over his chest, introducing himself, "Jordan."

"Okay, dude. Hogging the spotlight here." Another guy butted in, bumping Jordan out of the way.

"Sorry about him. I'm Ethan."

You took his hand and shook it. Everyone just seemed to be staring at you.

Next to Ethan stood Camila, the charming golden girl known for her intense on-screen presence. You were definitely familiar with her being in many teen and coming-of-age shows and movies.

She pushed her hand out, her eyes shining with inquisitiveness.

"Camila. I swear I've seen you somewhere before."

You couldn't help but blush under her gaze. 

Nodding, your tenseness from earlier slowly fading away and being replace by growing excitement to share your work in hopes it would impress them.

"Yeah, I've had a few small roles in independent films and even managed to land a role on a popular TV drama series last year."

Camila clapped her hands in delight.
"Oh, that's wonderful! Which TV show was it? We might have seen you!"

You chuckled, feeling a surge of anticipation.
"It was 'Cityscape.' I played the daughter of the main villain."

Camila's eyes lit up, her curiosity piqued.
"I loved 'Cityscape'! Who did you play?"

Your smile widened as you answered, "I played Mia Haddock."

You saw everyone's visible reaction to your response. Many of them were of pure shock.

Camila, with her jaw dropped, asked, "You played Mia?!"

"Yo, I had a huge crush on her," Ethan gasped, covering his mouth and avoiding eye contact with you for a second.

"Don't go stealing my girl now, Cutkosky." Mikey pretended to glare daggers at him as she placed her hands on your shoulders and peered over.

You tried to hide your blush from the contact with a timid laugh.

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