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"Come on Boys." Mama said and we all started moving ahead.


{Puss' POV}

I Continued to panic and I looked down at the map as words started to form. "Star light, Star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish..."

"I can't believe I fell for it again." I heard from behind me and I saw Princess, Kitty and Perro. "Princess! You don't understand."

"Don't understand what? That you've been playing me this whole..entire..time?" I heard her voice start breaking. "I need, this wish." I spoke out.

"Oh, yeah? You want to know what my wish was?" I looked at her and back to the map. "Someone, anyone I could love. Someone who would take care of me in that castle."

Princess snatched the map out of my hand and pointed her sword at me, I put my hands up defensively. "In my whole life, stuck up in that castle, I never had that." Princess started tearing up and her ears dropped.

"But I thought I finally found that someone, that someone who would hold me in the dark castle, without a wish." She dropped her sword and started crying.

I felt my heart shatter. "I thought it was you." She finished as the tears rolled down from her face. She let her crown fall on the ground. "But you're still running."

"Still the same old Puss in Boots." She said kicking her crown. "But I am not! I am not Puss in Boots. I'm..." I sighed and looked up at her.

"I am on my last life." She looked up at me surprised. "I need to get my lives back. Without them, I am not...I-I am not..."

"What? The legend?" She said exaggerating her words just as she did in the tree. She started chuckling softly. "I still can't compete with your one true love. Go on, get your lives back."

She dropped the map and I reached down to pick it back up. "Just keep them out of mine." She said kicking her crown off the edge of the star.

Perro started whimpering as Kitty and Princess walked off together... "Princess!! Death is after me!" She turned around still upset.

"What?!" She exclaimed. I nodded at her quickly. "I've been called a lot of things...but never Death.1 like it. That's MY wish." I heard Jack Horner yell from in front of us

"Oi! That's Goldi's wish." Mama bear yelled standing up, then Goldi, then baby, then Papa.

{Princess' POV}

I looked at jack Horner who raised his eyebrow, then kitty, then Goldi, then me, then Puss..but Puss looked- sad.

I crackled my knuckles as the bears all started growling at us Puss squeezed the map and I turned to Goldi.

Once she started running so did everyone else I took out my sword and jumped over mama bear landing on her back causing her to jump up and roar.

Papa bear sat on Puss which caused him to drop the map and it started flying away. Baby started running to it shouting he's got it.

Mi Princesa // Puss in BootsWhere stories live. Discover now