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The map opened and I felt the ground changing as we dropped everything started changing and the shape took over as my castle.


I fell on top of Puss and we looked up at each other smiling. "Oi! Forget something?" I heard Goldi yell and me and Puss both gasped.

Goldi had Pedro, kitty looked at us from a rock floating nearby she looked panicked. Me Puss and kitty were drifting away from Pedro and I started panicking.

"They got Perrito!" I whisper shouted. "Don't worry, we can track them with this." He said grabbing the map from my hand and opening it.

I realized that it was gonna transform from my castle into Puss's course so I tried grabbing it. "Wait stop!" But it was too late and Crystals started forming from the ground. Me and kitty got knocked back whilst Puss slid into the middle.

"Puss! Watch out!" I shouted as Crystles surrounded him. "Princess!" I heard him yell from the other side of the crystal so I ran up to it. "Puss!"

The crystals finished a cave around him and Kitty walked up behind me so she could see. He threw the map against the crystal wall. "Look!"

"There, there they are. Just put there." I said pointing to a distance. "You guys go get Perrito. I'll find a way out of here." Me and Kitty nodded and she began running off.

I placed my paw against the crystal wall so I could 'touch' puss's. We both smiled at each other before I ran off to catch up with Kitty.

{Puss' POV}

After Princess and Kitty ran off I ran to find a way out of the crystal cave. I jumped over a few crystals taking in my surroundings.

Must I say it was weird seeing myself in every corner. "Puss." I raised an eyebrow, the voice sounded like...me?

I kept walking thinking it was nothing. Until I bumped into a large crystal and saw myself again. "Hey, good-looking." Myself said.

"AHH! What is that?!" I screamed and heard another voice behind me. "Why do jumpy amigo?" Another one of me clapped.

"Woah, what's happening?" I asked myself.

"Hello, Puss. Gazpacho?"

"Long time, no see."

"Always a pleasure to see me." One of the me's yowled.

"Hola number nineee~"

"It's a proper party now that all nine of us are here."

"Yeah!" All the crystals yelled.

"You know what?" The drunk me asked blowing on the crystal. "I llllovee you guys!" He stated drawing a heart into the fog.

"So, you are my former lives?" I asked the crystals surrounding me.

"Reflections of the good old days." The one with a mirror said to me. "Oookay..."

Mi Princesa // Puss in BootsWhere stories live. Discover now