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My ears flopped down "aww..poor ped- do- thing.." I said trying to be nice.

The dog chuckled a bit before continuing. "But I've never really had a name that stuck, you know?" He looked back at us smiling "one that belonged to me."

We all looked at each other. "Is he done?" Puss asked and I shrugged. Pedro stuck out his hand "and you are?" He looked at me and I smiled shaking his Paw. "Princess Feline! Or you can call me princess." He smiled at me.

"That's a very pretty name!" He then looked at Kitty and they talked but Puss looked at me. "I don't want him calling you princess." He said and I raised a brow. "Why?" I asked confused.

"Uh- Because I just don't want him too." He states rolling his eyes. "He can call me what he wants Puss." I said going back to him and Kittys conversation.

"Nice try. Classic Con. No one's that dumb. No one's that nice. I don't trust you." Kitty said and I agreed.

"Me, neither. He cannot be trusted." Puss stated climbing up the map, which I had let go of at this point. What's the point of running off with it right now?

"But! I trust him more than I trust you." Kitty said and I laughed as she pulled out her sword. "Wow!" I laughed sitting down "this trip is going to be fun."


"This must be..the Dark Forest." Puss Said waking me up slowly. I sat up and looked at the scary tree monster. "AHHH!!" I screamed jumping up and falling back. Puss caught me.

"Thank you-" I stated and we got off the cart and started going into the dark forest. My hairs started to raised.

Puss stuck his hand into the dark portal and took it out. "AHH!!" I screamed again. "It's gone!" Kitty yelled but his arm slowly came back. "It's back!"

"Nothing to worry about." Puss chuckled and I was still trying to stop the hair on my arms from raising.

"We step through as one." Puss put his stick up and grabbed my paw. "Ready?" I nodded.

"One, two, after YOU!" He shouted and kicked Pedro into the dark portal.

"That was so mean!" I said. "Dog? Still alive?" Puss yelled and I rolled my eyes. "Let's go find out." Kitty stated dragging the map so we would go.

"Wait!" Puss said as we all jumped in. "AHH!  Oh my god! It's like- I'm going to pass out!!" I shouted

Until we made it somewhere, I looked around and smiled. "Prett-" "AHHAA HO!" I looked down at Puss who was still shooken up.

I raised my eyebrow and he stood up. "For a Dark Forest, this place is pretty colorful." Kitty said.

"I wish I had my Quinceañera here." Kitty looked at me and I smiled. "That would have been so pretty!" And I started looking around.

"My sweet sixteen wouldn't have been bad here either!" I laughed.

"The wishing Star is in here somewhere. Kitty? May I please see the map?"  Puss asked Holding his hand out.

Mi Princesa // Puss in BootsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum