12- Kings united

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Qibli felt embarrassed as he watched Moon and Kinkajou ask the guards to help them find something, one of the guards lead Moon towards the dining room to find some water, meanwhile the other lead Kinkajou to Turtle's room.

Qibli quickly knocked on Winter's door, Winter then said "Who is it?" Qibli replied "It's me, Qibli, can I come in?" Winter replied "Yes, but this better be good." Qibli blushed, was this really a good idea? Would Winter even want to see him like this? Qibli realized there was no turning back.

Qibli entered the room, Winter looked up at Qibli, his face went blue as he looked a Qibli. Winter then stuttered "Qi- Qibli, what are you doing?" Qibli blushed in embarrassment as he said "I- I wanted to impress you, get your attention, but I think this might be a little weird." Winter got up from his bed and walked up to Qibli and grabbed his face.

Qibli blushed as Winter said "Qibli, you look amazing." Qibli was surprised as Winter kissed him. Winter was surprisingly good at kissing, Winter slowly pulled away and said "I love you too, Qibli."

Suddenly Winter and Qibli heard gasp coming from the entrance and saw the two guards and Moon and Kinkajou. Winter blushed and said "Guards, Moon, Kinkajou, I will let you go free if you forget what you've seen." He glared at them, they quickly left.

Winter turned away from Qibli and said "Since you dressed up for me I'll  do something for you~" Winter entered his closet, it took a couple of minutes before he exited. Winter was wearing the beautiful black dress with sapphire accents on it, he was beautiful.

Winter looked at Qibli as he blushed blue and said "How do you think I look, magnificent right?" Qibli blushed as he said "Y-Yeah snow king, you look amazing." Winter wrapped his wing around Qibli as he whispered in his ears "So, I have a proposition for you," Winter continued, "You can be my permanent  royal adviser, or perhaps my king."

Qibli blushed bright red as Winter said this. Qibli was melting in Winter's cold talons. Qibli then said "W- Winter are you asking me to marry you?" Winter gently held Qibli's face in his talons as he said "That depends on your answer, I wouldn't be opposed to marrying you but I also wouldn't be opposed to taking things slow."

Qibli grabbed Winter's face and kissed him as he said "Yes, I will marry you." Qibli and Winter soon fell into the bed as the began to make out.

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