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" Well Well Well look who it is Krypton's all mighty Princess and a surprisingly strong pathetic human" Mon-el finally spoke in his cell " Pathetic Human Really? You Got your ass handed to you and you calling me pathetic" Barry laughed. Barry walked closer to the cell but Kara placed her hand on his shoulder and nodded no.

Kara stared at Mon-el She realized that way he acted he's not kryptonian he's A Daxamite the sister planet of Krypton.

" Hey Why don't you put the top of your costume on!" Mon-el shouted Barry rolled his eyes " Your The One Who ripped it off!" Kara argued Barry grabs the top half of his suit but noticed Kara Looking at his biceps. Barry smiled But when he grabbed the top half of his suit it started reattaching on him " What Happen?!" Kara asked confused " Self repairing armor?" Barry smiled.

" Nice Work Cisco" Barry mumbled

" ANYWAY! How the hell did you find yourself in a Krytonian pod?" Kara asked Mon-el just stayed quiet " She's talking to you" Barry said rudely crossing his arms.

" Do they Have Zakkarian ale on this planet?" Mon-el asked " Cause I could really use some Zakkarian ale it's been my experience that most of life problems go away if you bring Zakkarian ale to the table" said Mon-el. " Your not getting anything" Kara and Barry said.

" Is it cause I didn't say please? Cause you know on some world please isn't even you know that big of the thing" said Mon-el Kara look at Mon-el and rolled her eyes at him " Not surprised you would make a joke of this your entire race thinks of nothing but themselves" Kara scoffed " You would know all about my race wouldn't you Kryptonian Judging by that self-righteous glyph on your chest Hey so shouldn't you already have all the answers?" Mon-el said annoyed

" WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?" Barry yelled " I know how her people feel about us High-and-Mighty enlighten Krypton Looking down on us lowly peasants every second since you attacked us wi..." Mon-el didn't even have time to finish his sentence before Barry sped in the cell lifting him in the air choking him.

" I'f I were you I watch my words very and I mean very wisely" Barry threatened Mon-el looked into Barry's eyes and Barry saw Fear in Mon-els eyes knowing Barry isn't just some human he is something way more.
" BARRY!? He's not worth it " Kara yelled Barry looked at Kara and sighed Barry dropped him onto the floor with Mon-el gasping for air while his neck had bruises " Next time I won't stop him" Kara threatened.

" Why the Hell did you attack us while we tried to help you" Barry said in a deep voice with his eyes having a flicker of blue lightning " I was trying to contact Daxam I'm-I'm not here by choice I was just trying to let my people know I'm alive" Mon-el sighed with a hint of fear in his voice.

" Ok you guys already made up your mind about me so it seems kind of pointless to keep talking to you" Mon-el says giving up Barry and Kara started to walk away until Mon-el shouted " I could really use that Zakkarian ale though!" They both roll there eyes and walk away.

" you didn't tell him what happened to Daxam" J'onn says " No I didn't" Kara says closing the door with Barry behide her.

Time skip
The President is making a speech but an alien called the Scorcher attacked her but Kara and Barry saved her

Barry started evacuating everyone The Scorcher started shootings fire at Barry but he dodged it the scorcher shot her heat vision at Kara with Barry Trying to move Kara out of the way getting hit instead Both Scorcher and Kara started to shooting there heat vision at each other.

Alex started shooting her but it seemed that did no affect to her She shot fire at Alex sending her into the air with Barry catching her " You good?" Barry asked " Yeah thanks" Alex said.

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