what if you weren't alone?

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(book contains sensitive topics like kidnapping. no sa.)

"jesus, how long 'till next period?" beverly sighed.

"it's been like— two hours!" richie complained.

"we don't even have class for two hours, richie. stop complaining," said stanley, causing richie's eyes to roll.

"yeah yeah, whaaatever," he said. "that doesn't take away from the fact that this is still boring."

"maybe shut the fuck up and you c-could learn something," bill said sourly, turning around to face richie.

everyone just stayed silent. they were all fed up with richie by now. he guessed he had finally annoyed them to oblivion.

"it's going through one ear and out the other," richie whined.

"well, your voice is going through one ear and leaving a pounding headache in my head so would you just shut up for once? no body wants to hear it," stanley snapped. richie went silent.

"jeez, guys," beverly spoke up, "why are you two so pissy this morning?"

"i'm not, richie's just really an-n-noying," bill scoffed.

"i agree," stanley mumbled.

"i'm right fucking here," richie protested.

"richie lives matter," beverly regaled in attempt to clear the tension.

"this one's doesn't," stanley said. richie nodded and looked down, finally getting the memo he wasn't wanted around his own two friends anymore. beverly looked over at him and put her hand on his.

"just ignore them, they're being assholes," she whispered. richie nodded, but he knew it wasn't just that easy. he knew it was so hard to ignore people like that.

"i'm sorry," richie uttered, picking up his pencil and starting to pay attention. stanley and beverly exchanged looks and bill faced the front once again.

once lunch rolled around, richie still had what stanley said on his mind. did stan and bill really think that? or was it just some hoax?

richie sat silent at lunch, thinking about the whole thing. eddie elbowed the boy, who looked up at him.

"are you okay, rich? you're awfully quiet," eddie asked, rubbing the boy's shoulder.

"i'm okay, eddie, thank you," richie said. eddie winced at the fact that richie said his actual name and not 'eds' or something stupid like that. richie hadn't called him 'eddie' in almost a year.

richie had decided on trying to act mature. leave it to some asshole friends to constantly tell you that you're annoying for talking to get like this.

"no you're not, what's up?"

"no, i really am. just a bit tired, i'm alright. promise," richie said.

"this is the longest you've ever gone in a conversation without calling me something stupid or making some sort of joke. what's actually wrong?" he asked again, not convinced in the slightest.

"nothing!" richie shouted. eddie just stared at him. "i'm sorry."

"w— why.. richie you never apologize, seriously what the fuck is going on with you, you're starting to freak me out."

"eddie, calm down, okay? i'm perfectly fine," richie chuckled.

"say something only richie would say," eddie said. richie swallowed.

"i.. i'm gonna go to the bathroom," he mumbled. eddie watched richie stand quickly and storm out of the room, almost running. he sighed and tuned back into the loser's conversation.

missing (richie angst)Where stories live. Discover now